Monster Hunter Rise on the Switch and PC

Also, for the particularly reaction challenged, they can roll with bow/bowgun, or turtle with lance/gunlance and either keep out of range or tank the hits. Particualrly in a regular group situation.

Thanks all for the replies, really appreciate it.

The only concern you would have is when partying with randos, lots of people have a few hundred or thousands hours of gameplay under them, and so the battles could be almost over before you could be done catching up with what was going on. None of this is a concern with a group you are part of, and MH is the perfect game for such groups as SweetJP said.

Lance is very forgiving as well.

So friends, question for you. This is on sale, and I’ve been fascinated the IDEA of Monster Hunter, but I tried one game, Generations, and found it too complicated and the missions too long.

I’ve read that Rise streamlines a lot of things, so I was wondering if this was a better place to dive in? Thank you.

I’ve never gotten too far into any of them, but Rise was easily the one I enjoyed the most and felt like I at least sort of knew what I was doing. My kid has always claimed Generations was the best but the areas feel so small and the monsters just don’t stand out from the background in that one for me. And I never really grocked it. Based on my limited experience I’d go Rise, World, Gen in terms of accessibility.

The missions are even longer in Rise and World end game (online that is, but I bet you’ll play online Brian) than in Classical Monster Hunter, so approach with caution. Also a lot of the ideas (the survival aspects of the hunt) have been removed.

Your kid is very smart. Listen to him !

Rise is the best place to dive in for a new player, yes.

Steam and Switch versions both have demos, so you can always try those before deciding.

I found the demo to be a little bit confusing and unsatisfying despite playing World. So maybe just dive in headfirst and enjoy the game.

Yeah that is a good point, I do recall the demo being less satisfying than the actual game.

lol, he is super smart. And I keep trying, but the graphics look like a blur and I have trouble even seeing some of the things. Not to mention the various locations are all chopped up into super small areas and I don’t get the feel of hunting monsters in a large world. But enough folk have said this I will eventually give it another shot I’m sure.

Oh, Rise is also on Game Pass don’t forget, if you have that.

I’m up for coop on either Rise or Wild Hearts if anyone wants. I’m on Xbox fwiw.

Another vote for “Rise is a great place to start”.

I’ll also back that recommendation, as someone who also loves the idea of MH, played the heck out of MHW and MHR, but has bounced off Generations a couple of times.

Generations was more of a celebration of the old style of mh which was moving onto the world / rise style. if you are gunna try with the old style its best to do 4u. you will like rise wayy more i bet

For what it’s worth, after playing World, I went back to MHGU and absolutely loved it.

It’s very streamlined, even from World.

The maps are pretty small so duration hasn’t been much of an issue, though in a lot of ways it depends on your weapon. Some weapons don’t do a ton of damage, which means longer hunts.

Plus your mobility here is kind of insane, so getting from point to point is usually really quick.

Well I got the demo on the Switch and will give it a try today. Thanks y’all!