Monster Hunter World!!!!!

I’m working my way through the game rather slowly, because I’m not wanting to fully outpace friends… just get far enough ahead so that all the “you can’t join your friend until they’ve watched the cutscene!” doesn’t become overbearing. Is there any way to get around this when you’re just wanting to coop through the game with a friend or two? Had a really frustrating session last night where my friend was trying to find the camp in Coral Highlands and was struggling. I really just wanted to join his expedition and lead him there, but I couldn’t until he saw the cutscenes. And he doesn’t get the final cutscene until he finds the camp. He only had an hour or so to play and most of it was wasted on that, so he’s understandably a little frustrated with the game at the moment.

Anyway, I had just recently switched to Gunlance to give that a try and while I like it, I really struggled against Diablos. Bad luck that he was one of my first encounters with a new weapon, but I also fought him once more a little bit later when I at least had passing familiarity with the weapon and still really struggled. When he tunnels/charges you, what is the solution for lance weapons? The shield doesn’t seem to help (understandably) but I don’t find I can hop-step out of the way fast enough. I also don’t have enough time to sheathe and roll.

I’m still learning the ropes of the weapon and going from Insect Glaive to the lance has been a rather dramatic adjustment, so I realize I just suck. I’m just asking for help not-sucking so much on Diablos with this particular weapon. I’m curious how much is my skill level vs a bad matchup for that particular weapon.