Monster Hunter World!!!!!

Probably the most fun of all the weapons. Flying around never gets old. ;)

Blasphemy. God fearing hunters stay on the ground and smack the monsters knees until it dies.

I’ve been tempted to give Lance a try. Not having to dodge sounds appealing but I wonder how monotonous the actual poking is.

Whelp I killed Anjanth, my first go around which definitely didn’t happen on PS4. Of course by the time I got to him on PC I’d been slaughtering him for fun and his plus version for a long time. Still PC hinders me slight with my combo attacks but my slinger, my item use and the direction of the camera all gets a bonus so… net benefit.

I now am ready to help my sister with him although… I’ll still struggle with him. he gets me in these tight places and then I am toast.

I’ve died 6 times on PC so far. All to Anjanath. :)

Oh I feinted twice, and I got him to limping before even the first one. I hate where he goes when he is almost dead, it’s so tight! I also cursed myself because I forgot my traps. I also got his tale which took me forever to do last time and… he still hit me with his stub. Bah!

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate release day! Very much looking forward to monster hunting during my commute, like a proper monster hunter player, haha.

Lance is weird in a good way. You can ignore many mechanics of the game, and be there, poking the bits of the monster. You move very slow, but you can use charge to cross large areas of the map very quick to be where you want to be. Getting a lance with status effect is very effective, until is not. because monster adapt resistance to a single type of damage.

While it don’t have the normal way to dodge, it have a movement that make you invulnerable temporally, and I think this is the lance version of dodge. So timing is still useful and required to get the most of the kit, I think.

Many people choose the gunlance over the lance, because is more active and let you do many things and some of the things lance do.

I must be doing something wrong. I thought Anjanath was pretty easy. I just kept hitting his legs and head, then rolled away whenever he looked like he was going to charge or blast out fire.

Whoever is responsible for Tempered (Black) Diablos can suck my nuts.

This shit is the definition of unfun. It’s like trying to fight a goddamn freight train that’s piloted by an ADHD controller on 10 cups of coffee. I literally spend more time chasing after the goddamn thing than hitting it, not to mention that simply getting clipped by its fucking legs takes away half your health, easily. And stuns you. And that’s IF you’re wearing gear with over 400 fucking defense, otherwise you go straight back to the camp. And the hitboxes, dear fucking god. This is the most atrocious hitbox alignment I’ve ever seen in a game of this type. You better play with a fucking magic crystal ball next to you if you want to reliably dodge those charges or burrows.

Fuck this game to be honest. There’s a very clear line where fights stop being fun and this game crosses it after about 3 minutes into each fight. How fucking hard can it be to have the monster sit the fuck down for more than 5 seconds at the time so I don’t have to chase it like some lemming.

For the record, I did successfully cap tempered Diablos a few times, so the rage doesn’t come from failure lol.

Barroth and Anjanth are kind of the first bumps in the road, and Anjanth is kind of a menace while you fight the other monsters in the Ancient Forest. I don’t know if you’re, you know…bragging ;), but I’ve been in several Anjanth fights, and it’s quite common to see someone feint in one of those, maybe multiple people go down due to him even. A good stunning and a blast can take out a group pretty well. If you wind up fighting him in a tight space, it can be pretty brutal. He’s also one of the ones that will let you know if you’re grossly under-geared. + is no different.

Oh god no. I still don’t know what I’m doing. I only just discovered that I can catch small critters with that default net. I’m stumbling through the game.

I was surprised that I had no issues with Anjanath because I had heard it was a big hurdle for newbies.

The net thing is not obvious and one of those tools things you’re supposed to do that I think is half mentioned. It’s right up there with fishing, like you do it and don’t really know why you’re doing it and then find out oh it gives you stuff!

Maybe you’ve been lucky with him. My first encounter with Anjanth was him slamming into me during the Pukei Pukei fight. That’s where I learned I should be paying attention to where he is. On PS4, he took out 3 memebers of my group, at once. He slammed into them and then blasted them while they were stunned. I know that doesn’t always happen because he doesn’t always entered into that blast stance after a hit like that. He’s kind of a terror early on because you run into him long before you can reasonably actually take him. The bouncing nest area is a pain too.

Maybe he just fits your style though. Even before I found the flying squirrel to be harder to actually fight but he doesn’t torment you like fire breathing T-rex does so not really a threat until you make him one.

I’m painfully close to buying a Switch just for Generations, but I’ve staved it off convincing myself I won’t be able to go back to old-school Monster Hunter after playing World on PC.

Yeah, the bat-balloon guy was harder to fight just because he kept bouncing around and dodging my hits. Took forever and almost ran out of time.

I’ve hunted Anjanath a handful of times and he was quite okay.

Maybe it is just the way you play. He’s a brute right? My sister assures me that Barroth is as hard in World as it was in Tri. I think she’s nuts. I feel like it’s light and day, I am kind worried about Anjanth but she dual blades so I think she can move faster than me, like always.

You may have mentioned it and I missed it, but what weapon are you using?

I found (and still find) Anjanath to be difficult. But my true nemesis is Rathalos. I’ve fought Arch-Tempered elders and lived to tell the tale, but keep me away from f’ing Rathalos.

I think everyone has a trouble monster or two that despite gear/skill continues to give you trouble. For most people that’s Anja or Diablos.

Rathalos is my bane.

I’ll let you know how it goes! My only experience with a monster hunter game prior to world was the Wii U MH3U, though admittedly I never dedicated a huge amount of time to it. I’ve been going back and forth on Generations, but I want something for my commute, and after watching some weapon tutorials the basics of the game seem pretty similar. And soooo many monsters!!! That’s what really hooked me. I want to see some of these classics that fans adore.

Simple sword and shield. The early poison one.

Earplugs 5/5 is the best thing since sliced bread.