More college midterm doodles (mildly N.W.S.)

Haven’t seen these posted to this forum, if they’re repeats, please ignore.

Doodles may be mildly N.W.S. (Not Work Safe) due to language.

Bonuses (beyond 4-image limit):

I particuarly like the Beer-Lambert law and Capacitor voltage versus time.

Is the 9/10 because of the mermaid tail? If so, that teacher is a humorless asshole.

Sketch the capacitor voltage vs. time. Love it.

Of course there’s always this classic:

Everything else looks correct, so I have to assume the tail is what did it.

I have done this before, but mine was much more scholarly. There was a physics problem given to us involving cliff divers, I added 1 inch (for good measure) on to their jumps so that their feet did not brush the ledge, since the number given in the problem did not account for their feet touching the edge. One small slip up like that… and you have a dead cliff diver… needless to say, my professor was not amused.

here is an image I drew whilst in chem 121 my freshman year in college.

Wow, that abstinence one is freaky.

I love the fact the teacher didn’t get the moving on panel. :)

Google imaging “doodles” is actually kind of fun in a psychotic way. It’s like Esher vomited all over my screen.

Why in God’s name do they have an abstinence test dies

I had a student last semester in my calculus class that would draw awesome pictures on his exams. Unfortunately that was all that was on the exams.

How else do you suggest we distribute federal education funding?

I must confess, I really had a bad day today. But then I saw this:

And suddenly, it got just a little bit brighter.


I was wondering if I was the only person thinking ‘why would you share that?’.

Early screenplay for Gran Turino.

Oh please.

Die Hard 3 already made that joke. It’s obviously not PC but don’t get your panties in a bunch.

You really don’t see a problem with his drawing that on a college-level assignment, if nothing else? Classy.

Everyone did dumb childish shit when they were 18. Unless you were already wordly, sensitive, and mature by then.

Now the wisdom of posting it years later, I’ll grant you.