More Star Trek: TNG?

Funny enough, I watched SG-1 and Origins. Never did watch Atlantis.

Keep in mind I watched SG-1 after the series had ended, so…

Just saw “Death of Stalin”.

Don’t make me bring Space 1999 into this.

Not much to say. You have season 1, winch is fantastic:

And Season 2 which sucks on a Buck Rogers 70s level:

SG:A is more SG but with a new cast and you the early part of the series has more of a survivor feel.

Plus, more space battles.

Four episodes into DS9 and I’m finding it almost unwatchable. Perhaps I’ve been spoiled, but I can’t take the simplistic characters, juvenile “humor” and crises that are neatly wrapped up and tied with a bow in the last 2 minutes of a 45 minute episode.

Should I skip ahead, and if I do will I be missing out on essential lore and character development?

Maybe I’ll just watch The Sopranos again.

It definitely breaks the “everything wrapped up in 45 minutes” mold at some point, but it’s been so long since I’ve watched it, I couldn’t tell you where that happens.

And the characters certainly flesh out as time goes on quite a bit.

I suppose I’ll stick with it a while longer

Most of the first season follows the Star Trek TNG mold, but there is some character development as the writers and actors get a better grasp of the show. Also, you’ll be meeting some characters in that first season that will return later, again and again. So it’s good to get foundational knowledge about them.

The two episodes I loved in Season 1 were the last two episodes: Duet, and In the Hands of the Prophet. If you can get there without skipping, that’s good, but if you’re going to abandon the show at some point, then just skip to Duet.

The second season does much better at developing the core characters and recurring characters, and the main overall storyline for Deep Space Nine is introduced at the end of Season 2, in the season finale.

Agree with @Rock8man. I mean you can skip to S2, but the character development pays off. You’ll be fine by episode 6, 7 or so.

Part of the issue is that, as an ensemble, there are a lot of characters who need introduction and initial exposition.

Dude, if you’re watching DS9 for the first time, do NOT watch every episode of season 1 or 2. You’ll wanna diiieee. Instead, follow this.

Brian rockin’the instructions. :)

Yeah, I’d jump to season three personally.

We all know about your heresies. No need for a trip to the brig today…

And you’d be wrong, there’s enough stuff set up in seasons 1-2 that skipping them entirely would be a mistake.

Hey nice. That’s a good list. As a fan of the show, I approve of that list, with the additional instruction not to miss the episodes he lists as optional and goofy. Those are good too.

Edit: Also, skip straight to the list, there’s a lot of spoilers for the show earlier in that article before he gets to the list.

Star Trek is all about goofy episodes every now and then! It’s at the heart of things. They’re not just action heroes; they’re people.

I think the stuff before the list isn’t too spoilery and does a nice job setting up WHY you’d wanna watch DS9.

Just read it, good synopsis not a spoiler IMO. Great discussion of why Ferengis.

That seems like a nice post to read.

As to fan reviews, I like this guy myself, but the spoiler frightened have to ignore the text and just look at the numbers.

Rewatching (in spurts), I had forgotten how cringe-worthy Bashir was…