Mormon ceremonies on hidden camera

Reminds me of a fraternity initiation, except with more secret handshakes.

Demystifying Mormonism before the election? Looks pretty innocuous, really. I was hoping for virgin sacrifices.

Well, there’s also the belief system, where God lives on a big platform in space next to a sun, and people used to live on the Sun, and they were hoping that the Apollo program would find footprints on the moon for some reason, and that blacks were inferior souls, and that there are about five different afterlives depending on how you rolled, and that Satan is the brother of Jesus, and that . . .

But that would take reading.

It’s a looney cult, but the videos themselves are rather ordinary as religious nonsense goes. I want to see them praying to Satan or whatever it is they do. That would be an awesome video.

Yeah I was hoping for more of an Eyes Wide Shut style of freaky.

Apparently they have some sort of thing where someone hides behind a curtain and speaks as Satan. No video on that yet.


Go YouTube their courtship rituals, they are downright freaky

I’m subscribing to the guy’s channel, I don’t want to miss that. I hope he comes through with it.

Mormons believe they need these secret handshakes and passwords in order to get past the sentinels that guard the gates of Heaven. I’m serious.

That’s kind of weird.

You know what else is exactly as weird?

Believing in a magical place called heaven. The introduction of secret handshakes does not make it any more weird.

It’s just so… Masonic.

Well, there’s also the belief system, where God lives on a big platform in space next to a sun, and people used to live on the Sun, and they were hoping that the Apollo program would find footprints on the moon for some reason, and that blacks were inferior souls, and that there are about five different afterlives depending on how you rolled, and that Satan is the brother of Jesus, and that . . .

But that would take reading.

Almost all of that is false. There are a lot of levels to the Mormon afterlife, but that also means you don’t have to burn in hell just because a missionary didn’t find and convert you before you died, like many Christians believe.

I bet the guy who made those videos is headed for outer darkness, though.

I just watched all of the videos, and I have to say I kind of expected them to be weirder… they definitely do remind me of mason ceremonies.

The guy who made the videos seems kind of like a douche though.

First… lolz at having an email address.

Second… saying their costumes make them look like “a gay irish baker” seems kind of offensive.

Third… the costumes really didn’t seem any more over the top than those worn by other major religions. Is it ok to make fun of muslims or jews for the clothes they wear, or would we consider someone who did such things a bigot? I tend to think the later.

Sure. They wear funny clothes to set themselves apart from everyone else because, you know, they think they are superior for believing some dogma someone made up that is either obvious or so whackadoodle that it makes no sense. Why not mock them for it?

That’s always been my argument. Mormonism isn’t any weirder than other religions, it is just newer.

Hrm… because mocking people for being different from you is essentially bigotry?

Mocking people because they think they are morally better than others is probably not bigotry.

Nah, it’s bigotry.

Every different viewpoint that anyone has from you, involving any kind of ethics or morality, could be construed as them “thinking they are morally better than you.”

And making fun of them for it is the definition of bigotry.

You believe in a magic currency. Called dollars. Not safe to throw!

My counter argument has always been that it’s so new it hasn’t had time enough to wear down the edges of the crazy, so the people who are in the thing are actually believing it instead of just going along with the herd.