Mouse with Parrot-Resistant Cord?


Thread foul! The obvious joke involved trackballs. 15 post penalty, repeat last post.

Might I suggest you wrap the cord in this:

That should be a good deterrent.

Bird: No more cords to chew? Well then, the lumpy plastic thing looks tasty.

I’ll add my vote of just get a wireless mouse. There’s almost nothing that can withstand parrot beak strength that you’d actually want to put around a cord.

I did manage to defend my TV remote from the parrot beak - by putting it in a steel toolbox. So yeah, you folks are right. My wireless mouse is arriving tomorrow.

I’m just sad that the thread wasn’t simply titled “Parrot-Resistant Mouse” for additional wildlife confusion.

I can’t tell the difference between wired and wireless for my Corsair Dark Core, which can do both modes.

The last mouse I had to retire was due to my Maine Coon cat chewing through the cord, so it merely shifts the problem, rather than resolving it.