Movie Frame Game - The List!


Also, this.

This, too.

And also this.

I deleted an earlier “thank you for making the list” post of mine to ensure you have as many movies on the first sheet of this thread as possible. I’m still grateful (and I’ll nuke this post later).

Thank you Mister Charmtrap!

Oh, Discourse…what hast thou done to my beautiful list?!

Oh no, what did it do? It seems fine to me.


It lost all the numbering. It goes from 00 to 99 and then starts over.

Our behind-the-scenes migration guru/superhero Arpit has fixed the lists by putting them in something called code fences, which sounds a bit like what you do when you’re dealing with raptors. But the numbering is fixed and hopefully you can continue from there.


It’s a Unix system…I know this!


The neat thing about Discourse is you don’t have to sweat having a new page started, because the entire thread should be searchable.

Awesome. Recalling the hit squads.

Isn’t it also true that Discourse doesn’t limit the length of a single post? In which case, shouldn’t we put the entire list in the first post?

It also lets you wiki-ify the first post so any registered member can edit it.

Hmm, because the list is using the code tag, it seems like we can’t search it anymore. Surely there’s a way around that?


It’s still browser-searchable for me on Firefox, no problem. I can’t speak for Discourse or Chrome.

Unless I’m doing something wrong, it’s not browser searchable in Chrome. Which strikes me as absurd, so I probably am doing something wrong. The text is right there! Why wouldn’t it be browser searchable?


Are you pressing CTRL-F twice to bypass the Discourse search prompt?

Yeah. For some difficult to understand reason, Discourse uses the same shortcut as every browser uses to search the text on the page.

To be fair, I had to have that pointed out to me too in the Welcome thread. And in vBulletin, or whatever the official name of what we used Ten Years after the Collapse was, it was a single control+F to search the page. So it’s not the same.

Anyway, it’s weird trying to search it now.


“I thought it was gonna be way more harder.”