Movies that deserved better

How dare you not give her the credit she so richly deserves. HOW DARE YOU.

Also, and continuing on with the Richard E. Grant thing, I was going to come in and comment on his performance in this movie. I always felt liked, based on this movie, he was supposed to be the next. . . something. Except it didn’t quite pan out. But he’s a gamer, and he shows up here and there and while the movie in question may not be that good, he’s usually giving it a good show from what I can remember (e.g. Dracula).


I think it gets a bum rap because people had trouble seeing Stallone in this kind of movie. But I thought Stallone -nailed- it. And then there’s the supporting cast…the writing… the timing

How did people not enjoy this?

“It’s like disarming Germany.”

I loved Oscar. Loved it. Saw it in the theater no less.

I love The Hudsucker Proxy and I think it’s the most overlooked Coen Brothers film.

Miller’s Crossing deserves to be at least as famous as Goodfellas.

I know, right?

Agree on both those Coen Bros. films.

Miller’s Crossing may be my favorite CB film. Jon Polito’s scenes are so full of win.

His opening monologue on ethics may be my favorite Coen brothers scene.

I thought Davis was awful in it - she was cast by hubby and director Rene Harlin for the Matthew Modine part originally if I recall correctly, but Michael Douglas bailed on the lead role, so she was conveniently switched (hey, it really does matter who you sleep with, apparently!) to the main character. Mega-bombed. Harlin and Davis tried the action heroine route again, bombed again, and that ended the marriage.

But my all time favorite movie, must be Mindhunters. I mean come on! Christian Bale, Val Kilmer, LL Cool J, and of course the wonderful Patricia Velasquez. This is one intense movie, that everyone should watch at least once.

I was thinking, oh hey, maybe I should see this until I noticed the director’s name…Rene Harlin! Good cast, but let’s face it, this is a guy who wasted Davis and Samuel L. Jackson. Still, I’ll ask my son if it is on Netflix.

Hudsucker…not so much for me.

I’m a big fan of Miller’s Crossing, but I think the themes of universal hatred of everyone who isn’t us and the trend for humanity to always dip to the lowest point (with two exceptions) torpedoed it for mass acceptance.

Er, wow, no. While it’s not bad enough to deserve its place at the top of the worst financial bombs of all time (although it looks like John Carter may capture that top spot when all is said and done), it’s still a pretty awful movie. I usually like Geena Davis and she is just unwatchable in Cutthroat Island.

My pick is the cheesy but utterly wonderful Equilibrium. Christian Bale does what he does best, Sean Bean does what he does best, and there is a martial art based on dual-wielded pistols. I certainly wouldn’t put it on a “Great Films” list but I have a great time whenever I watch it.

Oh, hey corsair, if you mean “The Long Kiss Goodnight” as the other Renny Harlin/Geena Davis pairing, then that’s my pick. I just love that movie.

Cut(s own )throat. Renny Harlin. Gag.

And I like Geena Davis, and who doesn’t like Samuel L.? Renny Harlin - bad director! Ka-BOOOOM (Oh hey, hoisted him on his own petard device)

You know what happens when you make an assumption, corsair. Just makes an ass out of you and umption.

I think you are making an assumption that I made an assumption. ;-)

(and if anyone likes movies I don’t like, don’t sweat it - I’m just having fun with it)

Ha ha, I like you corsair. I’ll kill you last.

So long as Renny goes first, I can die a happy man!!!

He lied.

Oh yeah, Robert Altman’s “The Long Goodbye” my favourite Altman film!

The 80s Warlock is awful and anyone who thinks otherwise is objectively wrong. Of course, it COULD have been good, if Lori whats-her-name weren’t in it.

Oh wait, all this talk about David Twohy movies reminds me of another underrated movie I loved, Below. Ghosts on a submarine, spooky!