Movies you walked out of

I begged my friends to leave and they wouldn’t do it. Afterwards they agreed that we all should’ve.

I walked out on “Gettysburg” - guess I had not done my research and did not realize it was so long and had somewhere to go the next morning. I left at the intermission.

Never did see the rest to find out who won.

Does falling asleep count?

I’ve never walked out of a movie I’d paid to see, but I did fall asleep while (half-heartedly) trying to watch “Breakin’” which my girlfriend won a coin-toss and got to pick for us to see. No sex for me that night I can tell you.

Independence Day is the only film I’ve walked out of. I really wanted to walk out of Armageddon but I was over-ruled by the rest of my party.

That shark movie…it had a really bland name like Open Water or Blue Water or Open Blue.

I’ve never walked out of a movie. I did see a string of people walk out of Once Upon a Time in Mexico. The first guy actually threw his hands up when the motorcycle assassins buzzed out of the bushes to chase Banderas. “Oh, fuck this!” was what he said as he grabbed his jacket and left. After that, people just started leaving.

By the time the dozen or so people left, my buddy and I and maybe another four people were left in the theater.

I almost never walk out of movies, but I did storm out of Natural Born Killers, cursing Oliver Stone. Totally wasn’t in the mood for it. At festivals, I’ve dozed off in the middle of some films. At home, if I can’t find something interesting in a movie, I don’t bother watching it all the way to the end - like krazykrok, I bailed on John Carter.

Never walked out on a movie, but I got pretty damn close with Charlie’s Angels.

Rented “The Da Vinci Code” with a friend once. We fast forwarded after 10 minutes to the end.

The same friend forced me to watch “Far Cry” (+ bonus material) on DVD.

Fun fact: I met Uwe Boll in Person and had to take a photo of him and said friend at a movie night where among other films Boll’s “Rampage” was shown. Uwe held a small Q&A session afterwards and ripped the German movie ‘establishment’/industry hard and for that, I can almost forgive him everything.

I almost walked out of The Dark Knight Rises an hour before its ending. So close…

Walked out on JFK, Uhg that movie was shite, about the 400th time Costner said “back and to the left” I was like that’s it I’m done.

The Big Hit and Labyrinth.

My pal and I also abandoned Swayze’s Black Dog for Ice Cube’s The Players Club a couple theaters over, which proved far more interesting. We used to see some BAD Tuesday matinees in college.

Nickelodeon - As a kid I was this huge Ryan and Tatum O’Neil (sp?) fan but this was just too shitty for me.

School Daze - I was a huge Jasmine Guy fan but this “Fifty Shades of Brown” movie about skin color just sucked.

Michael - Don’t even know why I went to see this since John Travolta was pretty hot and cold at the time. Totally boring.

Hugo - I was reminded upthread that I walked out on this as well. Actually, first I fell asleep and then I walked out when my wife woke me up and asked to go.

Oohhh, can we count movies we’ve rented and then stopped part-way in as movies we’ve walked out on?

I walked out of Bram Stoker’s Dracula (the one with Gary Oldman).

I never walk out of movies because I’m usually with friends. So it makes no sense for me to stand around outside until the thing is over. But the closest I’ve been was when I mentally zoned out of Iron Sky.

I’ve seen plenty of movies that were deserving of being walked out on, but I never actually did it. There are a ton of DVD’s/videos that I passed on after I got bored, but in terms of going to films it feel like too much of an “event” to just duck out early barring something extreme.

I’ve only walked out of two films, but one of them I walked back into.

The first was a midnight matinee of Bad Santa, which I was enjoying, but one of the people I was attending with had their ex in town, and was hitting the sauce pretty hard and in no condition to be out in public, so the whole group left rather than make them suffer through it. I still haven’t seen the rest of that movie.

I guess technically I walked out of Transformers: The Movie. You know, the cartoon one. My brothers and I went to see that while my dad went to watch Manhunter. A summer camp came with several bus loads of kids to see Transformers and there were no seats, and the kids were loud and horsing around. We left to go find my dad but opted to go see Aliens instead. I was 11, my brothers were 14 and 7.

Best. Decision. Ever.

Okay, now that I’m back, on with the story…

The second film I walked out of was Juno. I went with my folks, and my mom was supposed to meet Dad and I in the theater after picking up some popcorn*. I had mentioned before the movie that it was kind of a short film, meaning brief (96 minutes). She somehow interpreted this to mean that it was preceded by a short film and, wandering into the wrong theater, sat through half an hour of Meet the Spartans, all the while wondering when the real movie would begin.

Of course, after 10 minutes or so went by and she hadn’t shown up, I went out to search for her, with the assistance of the theater manager. Eventually she turned up of her own accord, having sussed out that she was in the wrong theater, and the manager, taking pity on us for missing the first third of the film, gave us two free passes, which Dad and I used for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. So, we got to see two terrible films for the price of one!

I did finish the rest of Juno and was thoroughly annoyed by it.

The one film I would have walked out of, had I not been waiting for a ride home, was Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich’s Godzilla.

*I never eat popcorn in the theater, but to each their own…

For me, it was Andy Warhol’s Bad. It was playing at the student center in college as part of some arthouse weekend event. I made it through crushed heads, severed fingers and dialog that was obviously written by a monkey with a learning disability.

But when they pitched a baby out a window, followed it down to the sidewalk with a tracking shot, then had a dog show up just to eat the remains, I gathered up my coat and left the premises. On the way out, I vowed to never again listen to Velvet Underground.

For a friend, it wasn’t he that walked out, but his date. He really liked this girl in college and finally got her to go out with him. The big movie event that was on everyone’s lips at the time was Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!. He got tickets for the two of them and they went. After the first sex scene started, she jumped up and told him in hushed, but angry tones, “YOU BROUGHT ME TO A PORN FILM!?!” and stormed out.

He sat there agonizing for a few minutes and then decided the closest he was going to get to a naked woman that night was on the screen, so he stuck around to the end. She called a cab.

I, on the other hand, did walk out on a film because a date found it disgusting. I probably should have put more thought into choosing a movie that night though. A revival showing of an uncensored Caligula isn’t a terribly good choice for date night.