Moving Art

If you find the idea of kinetic art that’s wind powered interesting, you might want to take a look at the Wired article “Wild things are on the beach” about dutch artist Theo Jansen.

Some of his work is truly astounding, such as this 2MB video of his wind-powered animaris rhinoceros transport shows. For more videos of his work, check the “film” link on the artist’s website,

That’s got to be some of the coolest kinetic art ever made. I can’t imagine designing something like that. Thanks for the link.

Yeah whatever. I could do this with my car in the backyard on a windy day no problem. Just tape some cardboard to the doors, the hood, and the trunk and see what happens. I’m sure it would be pretty kinetic.


Damn… My jaw dropped on that one…

It’s a real-life damacy! Or is it a katamari?