Give players the chance to control their own destiny and make their own story. EVE does it with the whole idea of corporations controlling space, it’s an elegant and in-theme (corporate future sci-fi) way of doing it. EVE is rich with in-theme toys for the players, eg:
- The leader of a corp is a CEO
- All corps have shares which can be issued, and you can pay dividends
- There is a corp wallet, purchases, hangers, delivery hangers.
- Corps own structures and access structures
- There are roles like ‘accountant’ ‘communications manager’ etc which give the players in the corp certain accesses and rights.
These mechanisms don’t lead directly to “hark! Well met stranger!” type role play, buy they take us one step further away from -roll- play.
You can’t help but read about massive theft, corporate espionage, market manipulation and the rise and fall of great alliances and not imagine the sort of sci-fi future that EVE is all about…
In an MMO I think EVE is about as close to table-top roleplaying as you’ll get. So how to encourage it in a fantasy setting?
- Give players tools to shape their destiny
- Give them different structures and organisations to join and create
- Give them a chance to ally with a faction, team, or player group
- Let the players compete in a variety of in-theme ways
- Let the competition result in real benefits for one side, and losses for the other.
Most MMO designers would not allow the last point in particular, which for me means the rest are pointless. The best example of that thinking is Planetside, where no one side can win. What they really wanted was that no one side could ever -lose-. But players don’t imagine they will lose, they just see themselves from being blocked from ever completely winning, making the conflict pointless.
This for me is why I just could never be bothered with sticking around in WOW for the PVP. There’s no real point to it, and the grind to get to it compared to, say, bunging a BF2 disk in the drive, seemed a waste.
In EVE, the largest alliance in the game just got completely wiped out. It’s eastimed that 1.5 TRILLION credits were spent in the war (sold on the market, that’s about $200,000us I think?.. Anyway, it’s lots), and the losing alliance has been shattered. Common design as seen in most MMO would prevent such massive crushing of players…
…but many of us love the fact that this can happen in a game. And we love it, as much as we hate being crushed.
Anyway, I’m rambling. You get the idea.