My older cat is suddenly bring me lots of toys

Not cats, but a note on a friend’s pekanese dogs…they’re sorta like cats. But anyway, the female will hump the male right on the head. Just throw him on his back and BLAMBLAMBLAM right on his dome. Friggin hilarious. Guess I know who runs THAT household.

Erik J.

My female cat only brings me toys when the food bowl is empty, and she’s hungry. I think it means “look, you’re clearly having trouble providing for the family. I can’t get outside to catch food for us, so have this stuffed toy. I’m trying to help out here”.

This is going to be a disturbing story:

My wife has a bunny. We heard bunnies like to roll things around, so we put a volleyball-sized ball in his pen. He used it like an inflate-a-mate. He was humping that thing CONSTANTLY. We dubbed him the Incredible Masturbating Bunnny.

So, we had him in to get fixed. He comes home, runs over to this, uh, girlfriend, goes “Did ya miss me?” and mounts it.

After a few seconds he hops off. Stares at it, since it’s not “working” for him anymore. Hops back on. Same result. He then bites the ball and thumps, very pissed off at the ball for not giving him the same amount of pleasure.


Germans find humor in the strangest things.

Geez, can’t a guy have a little fun?

I’m not German, I’m British, but we do share a love of schadenfreude. I thought Ryan wasn’t being serious, but rather cruel. The idea that a cat that brings home toys is “preparing to die” sounds ludicrous, like they have some kind of ritual they must follow in order to pay their respects to their owner before passing on. Maybe Ryan didn’t intend it, but I still find it funny.

“schadenfreude” is “gayness” in the English, is it not?

That cat is a gay homosexual.

It is not.

When my wife and I moved to this side of the SF Bay, we’d had our cat Selena for about 2 years. While we were packing up all our stuff and taking it out to the truck, Selena got extremely paranoid. She ran around the apartment picking up her various catnip mousies, running to the kitty litter box, and burying them so nobody would steal them.

Those of you that have cats that bring you dead animals should be happy, but slightly insulted. It means that the cat accepts you as a member of their family, but they also think of you as a kitten that needs to be taught how to hunt. That’s why the animals they bring are frequently still alive, but stunned or badly injured.

When a cat does this, the best thing to do is not react in disgust and/or scold the cat, but to praise them, then discreetly flush the offering.

Selena also liked to steal the Dr Scholls insoles out of shoes and play with them.

Cool story UC. I’ve never heard of a cat burying something. That’s actually pretty darn cool. Shows a higher level of thinking than most people would give a cat credit for. Did Selena adjust OK after you moved?

Our cat only gets to go out on the back terrace, where she will stalk blowing leaves and bring them in for us. She has helpfully stunned a couple of mice that we’ve had in the apartment too. She’s totally itching to hunt things all the time.

Her weirdest behavior is that she likes to watch me shower from the edge of the tub. (One time she fell in, startling the bejeezus out of both of us.) When I’m done and out, she likes to jump in and lick the droplets. This, even though she always has a full water bowl, which she uses by dipping her paw in and licking her dripping paw.

One of our cats loves to sit by the shower and watch as well. He’ll cry madly too if you don’t reach out and pet him every once in awhile.