My snake, let me show you him!

Can’t seem to ID this snake, accidentally ran over it, and then walked up on another today playing disc golf that had roughly the same markings. Louisville KY, 4-5 feet long, moderate to slim-moderate body, triangular but not sharply defined smallish head, black body, white or extremely light yellow diamonds spaced down the center of the back. Any ideas?

Edit: Thinking it’s a late juvenile Black Rat Snake, so the saddles are starting to transition to all-black.

Dead snake = good snake.

Noooooo. Snakes good.

could be, what’s his belly look like?


As far as snakes go, I only know Solid and Liquid. Mostly Solid, I guess.

What about a Plissken? Strange so many snakes are one-eyed, I wonder why that is.

Can anyone help me ID this fellow?

I hired him to snake my AC drain, but he did a terrible job of it and now he is not answering the phone number I had for him.

That’s because every snake’s number is just 777-7777.

Naw, all snakes are pretty much good snakes, unless you live in Africa or Australia. I just gently herded the guy today off of the teepad with my bag, no hissing required.


Now I’ve got the Hard Ticket theme stuck in my head you bastard

That toilet wasn’t going to snake itself.

Unless you onna plane

Would have thought a snake that plays disc golf would be pretty well known.

He only throws S-curve shots.

Heh, thanks for setting me straight, can’t argue I’ve been horribly influenced by TV on the subject. Hell, I lived in a primeval forest for the first 17 years of my life and never actually saw a rattlesnake except dead on a road somewhere. Heard a couple, but they are far too lazy to go after you. Copperheads around dusk, though, a bit more caution is warranted. Africa is a bit more of a thing though, if I’m not mistaken, because the Death Adder is basically an airline pillow that doesn’t bother to move away but still packs a punch.

That falls neatly in my, “You get what you wanted, dumbass” bucket. Leave the snake alone and the snake leaves you alone. God bless Irwin, he could mess with them relatively safely and I’m sure you have a bunch of thoughts on him and his show. Again, seems like the ones that don’t give a fuck to get out of the way (death adder) and the ones that will actually come after your ass (mambas) are African in general. Me, I see a snake, I say, “Hey, look at that snake!” and then go on about my business. With the occasional disc golf bag scooting.

Edit: To be clear, not suggesting that mambas are aggressive killing machines, just that they seem to be more territorial than some species and don’t give a fuck that you were just hanging out by their tree. Kinda like wasps, they aren’t inherently bad but fuck 'em from a “don’t sting/bite me bro” standpoint.

Double Edit: Not that we should kill mambas, of course. Just be aware and respect the wild.

Up here we basically only have non-venomous snakes. I mean, yeah, there are a handful (and I mean, literally, a dozen or so maybe?) rattlesnakes in southern Vermont, in protected areas that are not anywhere near people and which the state doesn’t even publicize, so the snakes and people never really mix. Other than that, it’s a small number of usually smallish snakes that eat rats or whatever. Found one on my doorstep a few years ago eating the toads that live under the stoop.