Nantucket-Whaling Sim

I think it’s much easier to have a direct, emotional connection to the slaughter of animals than it is to have a similar connection to much broader–if just as horrible or even worse–processes like colonialism, war, and the like among humans.

Humans get choices, at the macro level, while animals do not. Also, humans are pretty complex. There are few humans that are 100% good or bad, though theoretically they could be. Animals, on the other hand, pretty much are totalities. They are neither good nor bad, but they cannot be, lacking any sentient choice capability. So we tend to see them as victims more easily I think.

Qualitatively similar for me would be a game about transporting Africans to the new world as slaves a century earlier. Obviously, that would be much more offensive. I think somehow it’s key for me that the game itself is about a specific egregious moral error or at least a tragedy perpetrated by human beings without examining its tragic elements. But this is a blunt knife.

I think this could be a long conversation. Perhaps not for this thread, but this one.

I feel the same way about hunting games, yes. Hunting for food, ok, hunting for sport, disgusting.

I would never play a hunting game, but this doesn’t bother me at all. Weird.

For me it is that exactly: the emotional reaction to suffering animals, particularly ones I can relate to.*

I freely admit that it makes no sense that I can enjoy a board game like No Retreat, which is about the Worst Thing That Ever Happened, but I would never play Puppy Kicking Simulator 2018, but there it is.

*In this case due to their complex brains and social behavior.

In any case, Puppy Kicking Simulator jumped the shark in 2017 when they went free to play. I don’t want to open a million loot boxes before I finally find that puppy I’ve had my eye on (kicking).

Dishonored and especially the first DLC, were very good at showing the plight of the whales when the oil from their blubber was a commodity. The mission where you can put a captured whale out of its misery was truly emotional for me.

I don’t really play hunting games but they don’t particularly bother me. There are sequences in Tomb Raider or The Last of Us with hunting. Just something about whales and how horrible the whole industry is in my eyes.

Played a couple hours of this over the weekend. I like it for the most part, but the way the enemy scaling works feels a bit off. It would make sense if it were a roguelike, but it’s not. That said, I haven’t done much fiddling around to optimise my crews yet, so that may help. I also need to get a better handle of what can cause spike damage, because I’ve been blindsided on a couple of occasions by attacks that have dealt 10x the damage of ordinary attacks.

So how does it compare to Sunless Sea?

It feels like Sunless Sea-lite, to be honest. More so than it does Pirates! There’s much less writing of course, but more than I expected, and a similar sort of event system, though without the Failbetter narrative resource mechanics. You acquire and lose traits though your choices (as do your crew). The card-based combat is not all that dissimilar to SS’s, but fully turn-based.

After playing it over the weekend, I might be done with Nantucket for the time being. I haven’t finished the main quest yet, but I think I’ve done nearly everything else. I still struggle fighting pirates though. I feel like I would need three guys specialized in fighting humans to beat them consistently. I have some issues with it, but I enjoyed it overall and don’t regret the purchase in the least. I prefer it to Sunless Sea (it’s not as grindy and I prefer its combat), but I’m probably in the minority on that one.

1.1 patch was out last month, did everyone stop playing?

I thought the patch got posted about elsewhere on the board. Maybe not.

Anyway, it’s been patched.

So this is currently on sale on GOG (and Humble store) so I finally picked it up. I was a little worried that turn based battle against whales would be, you know, kind of silly. But it actually works!

I think it has to do that it absolutely nails the atmosphere and setting.

This is a little gem of a game, can’t help to think it was overlooked in the best-of 2018 lists. The sea shanties is worth the price of admission on their own :-)

(There is now a DLC with extra shanties)

Sea shanties of Nantucket …

Next dlc :

I may have to pick this up eventually, as I tend to read Moby Dick over and over again.

When playing you have to have a cool mist humidifier and a fan running, for extra immersion.

They might as well have a PETA sim where you are rewarded for efficiently putting down as many cats and dogs you can, or perhaps an abbatoir based VR FPS with a captive bolt pistol.