Negative Review: 223 Hours Played

It’s perfectly possible to spend a huge amount of time with a game and still find the experience less than enjoyable. Simply put, people can keep playing a game for a variety of reasons beyond immediate enjoyment.

Easy example-- I know in the past I have put 100+ hours in RPGs that felt, on hindsight, rather dull and perfunctory. But the completionist in me just wouldn’t quit before finishing them.

As for Steam reviews: I think they’re great. It’s fairly easy to ignore the jokes, trolls and memes and focus on the real content. For games that may interest me, I usually skip the positive reviews and go for the negative ones to get a sense of any perceived shortcomings and to identify any potential dealbreaker. I’m typically looking for straightforward opinions to aid my purchasing decisions, and in that respect they work fine. The yes/no rating is bullshit, though.