Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

There’s so much there, including article aesthetics:

To advice on how to harass:

And also suggestions on the tone articles should take:

As well as a handy list of slurs, you know, so you can mix it up and keep it fresh:

It’s all Strunk & White up in this motherfucker.

I understand that they’re too stupid to spell guinea, but no wop? Are we not hated?

Can we popularize this “Goebbels with lipstick” phrase somehow? I love it. Call Nazis “Good People”, get labelled a Nazi.

From that article:

“Today, Bro will speak in detail about what she sees as Trump’s encouragement of white supremacy, about her daughter’s alleged killer who she will face for the first time in court Thursday, of seeing her daughter’s body for the final time, and of cradling her ashes—which reminded her, piercingly, of cradling Heyer as a baby.”

God, how sad. The hate continues even after this brave young woman died.

If the local police and federal government won’t do anything about these Nazis, can we form some vigilante groups to go after them? My Grandma told me all the time about how she fled the Nazis in Germany and how much that broke her heart because she loved Germany, where her family lived for eons, but the Nazis ruined it.

I’ll be damned if we let Nazis drive fear into our citizens. Sign me up as a squad leader, it would be my pleasure to thump some Nazi skulls.


Goebbels with gerbils

His lawyer says that he’s not a Nazi, he’s just a libertarian.

But… He has a Nazi SS tattoo. Whoops.

Non-Nazis totally get permanent marks of Nazism on themselves.

Who doesn’t have an odd 88 or swastika floating around on their body someplace?

Sounds like the guy is definitely a bad person, but the case against him might be a bit flimsy.

I mean I wouldn’t doubt the FBI would do some entrapment.

Nazi shooter posted Nazi stuff on Steam. What a surprise.

That has to be the ugliest tweet I’ve ever seen.

The final round of the tournament is coming up soon.

My money is on Thernovitsh.

I don’t think Cernovich will be able to make that. He has more pressing matters to attend to, like protesting the Department of YouTube.

Jesus, that guy’s dumber than a bag of Trumps.

I can’t wait for him to come out in hand-cuffs for that.

That’s a nice Christmas thought. That idiot in chains would make me happy.