Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

These garbage people are just coming out of the woodwork now, sheesh. And you never know whether you might be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Exactly. America is starting to feel like the wrong place, sadly.

It kind of reminds me of the breathtakingly toxic crap you’d read in general chat on World of Warcraft ten years ago. I figured it was all just twelve-year-olds trying really hard to act out and get attention.

Ah, the innocence.

I thought a lot of it was from teens and even young twenty-somethings, but I never thought it indicated a significant chunk of the population.

Wow the comments there. Republicans constantly trying to do the “both sides” argument. Both sides need to do x. But the thing is, the right-wing is the only side assaulting and killing on a regular basis.

What about all those Soros-backed murders, Jeff? WHAT ABOUT THEM, HUH?

What does that mean?

I don’t know but it I read it in Strongbad’s voice because the “strong arm” thing must have conjured up Trogdor from my memory.

His fans literally show up to protests with body armor, shields and clubs like it’s 450 AD.

He’s readying his foot soldiers.

Here’s my crazy prediction. Dems do well in the midterms and Trump starts calling the election a sham. Voter fraud, illegals voting, China meddling, etc. Then Antifa fucks up some proud boys in Philly on the 17th and Trump declares war on the radical left. Radical left eventually extends to enemies of the people, the Dems who cheated to get in office and the press that supports them. Roll the authoritarianism.

That’s basically been my guess for the last year or so.

I would be scared, but I don’t think Trump has the disciple to pull that off. Or the brains.

Something like that. I’ve been thinking the same thing, that’s how the next civil war gets rolling.

We just need to meet in the middle somewhere. At the very least, please, no one call them bigots otherwise we run the risk of turning them into Nazis.

As many people have noted, calling them nazis is why we get more Trump, right? RIGHT?!

NYT with the quote

Of course, 4/5ths of his options are illegal, but whatever. Bring on the Authoritarian Fascist State!

I’ve been harping on this since 2016, but we are so fucked if an actual crisis happens. Something like an attack on the scale of 9/11 or a massive economic downturn.

We watched firsthand how quickly people were willing to give up constitutional rights for the idea of security back in 2001. I also watched the xenophobia – especially towards Muslims – build, and that was with a President who was at least going out there and making speeches about how Islam isn’t the enemy, especially not American Muslims.

The fact that a shocking number of people are willing to cling to a supposed “strongman” like Trump due to the imminent thread of some barefoot refugees in southern Mexico makes me terrified of what a Republican party like this will do when a real crisis presents itself.

Yep. If another 9/11 happened now, I think we’d see (Muslim) American citizens in internment camps. Not hyperbole.