Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

Not a fan of bow ties?

Can you please put a NSFL warning on that?

Not Safe For Life?

Welcome to 2 days ago.

Right now, there is at least one kid who didn’t do it that has talked to the press, and he said that the photographer had asked them to do it, and their parents were all there. The photo was also found on the photographer’s twitter account.

I wonder if this nazi salute has to do with the sign in the middle that seemingly is saying that they aren’t allowed to take photos on the government steps.

At least, that would the the explanation I would use for this absolutely stupid and juvenile photo.

So, here is an update from a local paper

The Baraboo photographer whose work inflamed social media and caused the school district to launch an investigation said the photo was a product of bad timing after he asked students to “raise your hands and say goodbye” to the camera.

Peter Gust had the idea — “a brain fart,” as he put it — based on wedding photos he’s taken of groomsmen waving.

Now infamous, the photo featuring Baraboo High School boys on the Sauk County Courthouse steps before their junior prom this past spring shows most of them with their stiff right arms raised in what appears to be a Nazi salute. Not all of the roughly 50 students are holding their arms outstretched, and some appear to be waving.

And if you look at that photograph, it is pretty clear that a lot of the boys are just waving, but it is also clear that some of the boys were like “lol, this waving looks like a Nazi salute, so lets salute like the Nazis, haha”
I also think that the whole waving thing, as you can see a bunch of kids laughing is because they think that the waving looks like a Nazi salute, so they are laughing at how bad the photo looks.

It is just stupid, and I think that a lot of the internet outrage machine has taken off on this a lot more than was probably warranted.

This is one of those idiotic things that happens when you are an area that is 99.9% privileged white kids who don’t understand what kind of message a photo like that might look like.

Another kid in the photo explains. The photographer asked them to wave out to the camera, and it looked a lot like a Nazi salute, especially in hindsight.

With his name now associated with the photo online forever, Gust said the ordeal has upset his wife and impacted his family.

Being a Nazi should ruin your life.

Righhttttt. So why is one kid doing the white power sign as well?

If it was “just waving at the camera”, why add white nationalist symbology to it?

Well, there is always at least one truly racists idiot in any larger group of people. They may hide it in “polite” company, but it always comes out when given the chance.

Glad to read that the picture was probably more a result of stupidity than malice. Though pretty incredible that the photographer looked at that picture and though - hey, this is a good shot, let’s publish that - when he almost certainly had multiple takes. He couldn’t find one that looked less Nazi-like?

The one highschool kid apaprently realized it was fucked up, so I don’t really buy into the “it was just an accident and no one noticed” angle.

There was a time when snotty teenagers flirting with fascist iconography would have been a minor thing, but these days we are all completely terrified all the time, so I guess the context is different.

There’s nothing stupider than a bunch of 17-year old boys. It’s possible that most of them are just dumbasses who think being edgy is hilarious.

I am sure that at some point in my teen life either myself or one of my friends probably responded to someone trying to boss us about with a Heil Hitler salute just to be snarky. Nowadays someone might film it with their phone and post it, and we’d be Nazis!

We even got the black kid to do it does not equate to stupidity. It equates to malice. There were more than a few kids in on this.

Oh, I had not read that part. Ok - yeah, that is just vile.

And apparently at least one of the parents also cried out for them to stop, without anyone listening. One may excuse it with the stupidity of youth, but it’s undoubtedly malicious stupidity.

When I was a kid I had a teacher that was overly strict about everything. She called me out in class because I was quietly discussing something with someone next to me and she said, “Raise your hand if you have something to discuss,” and I threw out a Nazi salute. It got a lot of laughs and to her credit I got a, “Very funny, never do that again.”

Kids are dumb sometimes. That said if someone wanted to take a group photo of us all doing it, especially the way things are currently, I don’t think I’d be doing it. Then again peer pressure at that age is a hell of a thing, so maybe I would have just not to be singled out because teenagers are stupid.

That an adult directed them is the bigger issue really. And him lamenting it’s going to follow him forever is great. Because he did know better. He has no excuses. He’s not a stupid teenager who thinks what other people think of him is the most important thing in the world. Fuck him for doing it and potentially screwing all these kids over with his bullshit.

That simply is not how waving works. At no point during a wave will your hand be in that position. And more importantly, they’re clearly keeping a fixed pose rather than moving their arms. It’s a ridiculous story.

See, the thing is, in Nazi Germany, most Germans probably convinced themselves that the really terrible stuff just wasn’t happening. It became normalized, slowly over years, such that it could be ignored by normal people.

Only a portion of Germans were malicious monsters who orchestrated the murder of millions.

But those who played along while it was normalized… Those who went along with all of those small steps down that road… They are just as responsible.

You have a responsibility to say no, when people are doing that kind of thing in your presence. And people should know that they will be judged if they fall to do so.

Well, if the shutter speed was fast enough, there might not be any motion blur, but yes, I don’t think ‘sieg heil’ is in the normal arc of a typical wave. Also you’d think the hand positions wouldn’t be quite so nicely aligned if everyone was just waving.

Right. That’s what I was referring to rather than the lack of motion blur.