Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

Everyone should remember that this video of Milo saying this horrible shit is old. All this information about him was already out there. He said all that pedophilia shit and worse for years and years.

The only thing different now is that people decided to start listening because of a short viral video that had all those clips in it. Not because people decided to start listening to the hundreds or thousands of women and other direct victims he’s attacked over the years.

I think the main difference now is a right group released the video so suddenly it was a real thing since a different group releasing it is just declared SJW to be hated and killed. Aka, the right wing brought it up so of course the right wing listened.

I mean, our President bragged about going backstage at beauty contests under the false pretense of being the owner and making sure things were running okay. And then bragged about how he’d be dating them they hit 18 or whatever.


Hear, hear.

Yep. Guaran-fuckin-tee if Milo was straight this would be a non-issue. The right finally found a reason to exile their token gay guy.

Milo is horrible, though.

The rise and fall of Milo was faster honestly than I expected.

He is such a substance-less moron. Sadly I doubt we are truly rid of him.

He’ll be up on some alt-right equivalent of Patreon within a week, collecting his pieces of silver from GamerGater server admins and 4channers with their parents’ credit cards.

I like that he makes it seem like it was all his own choice to leave.


Wait, is the Nazi the good guy here?

The actual full-on Nazi-Nazis never liked Milo because he’s gay (even though he publicly advocated against gay rights).

Even a Nazi is Reich at least two times a day.

Yeah… pretty much.


Have a very begrudging “like”. :)

Milo and friends are now blaming the Deep State.

Because it was the CIA that made him say stupid shit on Joe Rogan’s show and post it on Youtube years ago.

Yeah, they’re saying how some grand consist took him down.

He said that pedophilia was OK, on YouTube.