Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

I mean I get the point of what they’re saying but let’s not pretend that the Army uses some kind of morality detector they employ on new recruits. I imagine our armed forces have quite a few racists and shitbags. Didn’t the military vote pretty decidedly for Trump??

“Andy - Respectfully, anyone who thinks this man represents our culture and values has never worn the maroon beret…and never will”

Like any large organization made up of largely poor young men, sure. The US armed forces also have a lot of minorities with less-than-civil outlooks on the rest of America.

The important thing is that it’s not condoned. You absolutely can not be openly racist in the US military. The leadership is 100% clear about this. It’s detrimental to the readiness and unity of the troops, and it’s a political drag on the military as a whole. It also makes occupation and cooperation with foreign entities difficult.

But again, yes, there a lot of shitty people out there. For example, there sure are a lot of crappy voters that seem to have hidden prejudice in their hearts. Unfortunately, this President has emboldened them.

82nd Airborne has a rather storied history with Nazis.

Tweetstorm, but I agree with it.

Lotta pictures so threadbare kind of loses itself, worth reading though.

Whoever wins, we lose?

Nah. I’ll take Juggalos any day over actual Nazis.

I mean, this isn’t a hard question. I’ll take undereducated fool who don’t understand magnets over actual fucking Nazis any day of the week.

At least the Juggalo’s express a higher degree of intellectual curiosity than the President. I have no truck with an idiot who genuinely wants to learn. Better than a complete fool who has no interest in anything.

While it may be fun to snark about ‘magnets, how do they work’, if someone asked me that question I would be all like ‘let me show you!’.

I think it’s more

Aug 1 2017: "Look at these creepy white dudes. We’ve done years of exposes on them. We think they’re probably a nacent gang with their strange concerts and subcultures. They love generic midwestern cola and dress like serial killing clowns, and think magnets are whack. "
Aug 16 2017 Juggalo leader dares White Supremacists to fight them. Twitter discovers songs of them punching Nazis and Confederates.
Aug 17 2017: “Juggalos: Real American Heroes.”

Look, I’ll admit my respect level went up by an order of magnitude for that. I definitely looked side eye at their whole subculture. Weird, a bit publicly rowdy, and not people I’d ever associate with in social life. Just back away, and leave them be basically.

Now? Go juggalo I guess.

What a time to be alive!

No, yea, that’s fine, it’s just funny to me how this stuff all turns on the head of the pin, and why social media status is so volatile. If they had posted one tweet along the lines of “Everyone calm down and let’s all get along” social media would literally be screaming “FUCK OFF CREEPY WHITE SERIAL KILLING CLOWNS. Of course they are a gang jesus christ”

That person may have dramatically overthought a funny bit on a TV show.

Re magnets, I think at a basic level no one really understands why exchange particles should exert kinetic forces, either attractive or repulsive. For gravity there is that spacetime distortion analogy but that doesn’t really explain anything.

We now return to your regularly scheduled Nazi thread.

Check this, yo:


Apparently not.

My post from the Juggalo thread still applies.

Mostly harmless. Not really a violent organized gang. Certainly better than hate-mongers like white supremacists and Nazis.

Going along with the digression,this Veritasium video is maybe the most compelling science experiment from an autodidact i’ve ever seen about this complex subject. It’s about Quantum Mechanics, not magnets, but it makes the universe look damn more Pythagorian than i ever would have imagined. It’s also probably all just coincidence and has little basis in reality, but still kinda cool! Better than most of those “let me tell you my thoughts about shit i don’t understand” videos about quantum mechanics from the untrained.

At least ICP has the curiosity to wonder about the natural world. Trump and his loser Nazi brigade are too fucking self absorbed to bother to think about anything besides how unfair everything is for them.