Net Neutrality: Comcast Blocking Netflix

Grew up in the South and been living in the desert for the last year. What could go wrong?

On the plus side you are about to develop an intimate daily relationship with water at cooler and cold temperatures both vapour and liquid:)

Lol at Seattleites thinking they know about cold.

Please type shorter messages I didn’t pay for the forums plus package

Quoting for accuracy. You’re all pieces of shit of the lowest order. All. Yes, you reading this right now. Go fuck yourself with a rusty spoon.

Yup. The Trump voter is to blame. Not Trump, because Trump has never hidden his motives, goals, racism, or misogyny. We’ve known exactly who Trump was and what he stood for before he even came down that escalator.

The Trump voter is to blame for looking at Trump and saying, “yeah, gimme some of that. That’s what this country needs.”

Fuck them all.

Replace Trump with republican. He is not some unique snow flake and this would not stop if pence became president. The republican politicians will also not save us.

I’d be perfectly happy with a Republican. I mean a REAL Republican, who believes in fiscal responsibility, freedom of choice in personal decisions, and… oh, what am I saying? Nobody like that exists in politics, anymore.

Besides, Trump’s base might revolt and the GOP doesn’t want that…

Trump is objectively worse than even pence.

Pence would not likely start a nuclear war. He is not owned by the Russians.

I agree. I mean, I think there’s less than a 1% chance Trump does start WWIII, but that’s a non-zero chance of the worst possible thing, ever.

Pence is undeniably more competent and therefore more likely to get legislation I don’t agree with passed into law. But crappy legislation is going to happen one way or another, and Pence is more likely to appoint people who actually know how to do their job to government positions.

I’m not sure you can really say that with 100% certainty. We have no idea how deep Pence is/was involved, if at all.

You may find it unsettling that the fate of our nation’s communication system is in the hands of a guy who makes smug videos to taunt the American people, but it gets better. He made that video with a pizzagater. (Scroll down a little for the good part.)

He’s unlikely to be owned by them, but there is a fairly high chance he knew about it and just kept quiet.

Which is sort of a different thing, unless someone can prove it and blackmails him. At least then one might hope his “morality” would make him come clean. An unlikely scenario, but still a lot higher than Trump who has absolutely no morals of any sort.

Yes, you just described a conservative. The Republicans haven’t believed in any of that for ages.

It’s okay, we just moved away from Seattle a couple of months ago, he can have our spot.

I grew up in New England, and have now returned here. I definitely know about cold. ;) (I’d sort of forgotten what it was like though, being in Seattle for the past ten years.)

The Seattle Freeze has nothing to do with actual temperature.

It’s that people in Seattle are dicks.

Well, yeah, it’s our favorite burger joint.

[quote=“Miguk, post:415, topic:62303, full:true”]
You may find it unsettling that the fate of our nation’s communication system is in the hands of a guy who makes smug videos to taunt the American people, but it gets better. He made that video with a pizzagater. (Scroll down a little for the good part.)


Ajit Pai Thinks You’re Stupid Enough to Buy This Crap [Update: One of the 7…

On Thursday, the Republican-dominated Federal Communications Commission and its chairman, Verizon BFF Ajit Pai, will hold a vote on whether to repeal Barack Obama-era net neutrality rules. If passed, the FCC would allow ISPs to begin setting up a…

This immediately makes me think of my terrible MySpace analogy again. “Oh hi Kids! It’s us, Corporations. Let us tell you what you like about the internet! We hear gramming dogs is popular so we made a place for you to go do that.”