Netflix: American Vandal - Best Mockumentary ever?

It must be out by now, surely. A few more minutes left at work. Then I go home and re-subscribe to Netflix. Then I go for my evening walk, have dinner with wife and kid, play with my son for a couple of hours, and then it’s time to watch American Vandal!

3 episodes in and this is still one of the smartest series out there.

Also, living near Bellevue, WA makes this really amusing since this local scandal recently happened:

I had never heard of a Horchata before, but that’s all I can think about now.

How do you explain the Horchata Kevin?

Two episodes in and enjoying it a lot. Helps that poop-based humor works for me (if solidly made), but overall it remains a splendid combination of being an excellent riff on the true crime genre, social commentary, and meta-humor. The deadpan delivery of some lines (“And in that moment … time stopped for a second.”, “He was in there hours without tea!”) does not cease to be amusing to me.

First I think I flagged JDs post on accident and have no idea to confirm I did or not and cancel it if I did.

Second, I sure hope “Helps that poop-based humor works for me (if solidly made),” was on purpose. Cuz I spit a bit of coffee when I read it.

C: I need to watch this soon. The first season was amazing.

I’ll be watching the shit out of it, starting this weekend.

Just gonna drop this here:

My favorite easter egg so far has been the names in the intro credits

My man Ming!

This season was at times amusing, and even insightful about how today’s youth are growing up in America. But the problem is it just wasn’t funny. Season 1 had plenty of moments that made you laugh out loud–I binged Season 1 a couple of weeks ago and was eagerly awaiting Season 2.

It didn’t feel like a real high school this time around, and the characters were not there. For example, they had very little of the religious freak, who could’ve provided some comic relief. The main suspect, Kevin, was eccentric, or even mostly just annoying, but his affectations amounted to nothing. Chloe, the Asian guy with the white name, and even the documentarians themselves had nothing to individuate themselves. Blah. Season 1 was a guffaw; Season 2 is a smirk.

I finished the season. Another great story. It’s a very different tale than the one in season 1, and it doesn’t dwell as deeply into people’s souls as Season 1, but that’s okay. It was trying to tell a different type of story this time, and they really did a great job again.

Sign me up for as many seasons as they’re willing to make.

I liked this aspect. In the first season, the main guy was such a lovable doofus that you couldn’t help but be charmed right off the bat and want him to be innocent. This guy really sucked in that awkward in your face antisocial way that mirrored so many teenagers’ approaches to being ostracized. “You don’t like me, eh? Well, I’ll show you how unapproachable and faux elitist I can be!”

As for the rest of it, you’re spot-on that it was less outright funny this time around. But to me, that made the teens’ interactions more real. It also made it easier to link up the various stories. Like, in season 1, the love triangle drama and the dust-up between the two guys was a distraction. In this season, the basketball story, the Horsehead Collective breakup, and the way the faculty reacted was all part of the main mystery. In fact, the villain would never have gotten away with it for as long as they did without those miscommunications and misconceptions.

The first season was about how we conform to other people’s perceptions of us. This season is about how we trap ourselves into maintaining a persona that is at odds with reality. I was more entertained by the first season due to the humor and the freshness of the concept, but this season had as much or more to say.

Just finished season 2 and it was so incredibly good. I loved the ending.

Ah man. I’m gutted. :(

Eh. I enjoyed it a lot but there’s only so much you can do with the premise, and Serial parody is an extremely crowded genre right now.

Yea, I’m fine with this. They told their story, it was great, and Netflix cut bait before the series went downhill.

Netflix is on a bit of a show tear right now. Cancelling anything near the edges.

Cancelling everything in development in partnership with someone else is one explanation I saw floating around.

Yeah that’s what I’ve heard as well.

I’m almost certain someone else will pick them up.

— Alan