New Monolith game - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

It’s old enough that when you actually have time to play it, you can probably still find it cheap again somewhere. So yeah, I would recommend playing it, but not jumping on a deal just to put it directly into your backlog.

Yeah I tried to dump this game from my subconscious, but I saw a video that looked like good stupid fun. Kind of a combination of Dragon Age II and Space Marine, though maybe not as good as either one.

I’m still waiting for a sequel when they refine all the systems and expand the content.

This game is really quite good.

First, I thought the writing was unusually solid for a video game. Maybe all those unemployed Tolkien english lit fanatics now have a place to work?

I agree that it is uneven in the second act. You can see where they kind of ran out of things to do – you end up with so many (awesome) abilities that I felt godlike and untouchable at the end. Reminds me of Dishonored in that way. And the nemesis / intrigue / power system is fascinating but underused.

Anyway, I am SUPER looking forward to what they do in the sequel. If they figure out where to go with these mechanics, all of which have serious potential, it could be one of the greats.

I skimmed back through a lot, but not all of this thread. I bought the game ages ago but only just put a little more time into it this weekend, question about the nemesis system.

I gather that only orcs properly executed have their head-on-a-stake status on the nemesis screen. Will they still eventually be replaced with new recruits/promoted orcs just like any other? Is the only advantage to executing them that that particular orc is gone for good, where as others you “killed” might still come back?

As I recall, the ones you’ve beheaded are “properly killed” and are represented as piles of bones where they once stood. The only time new orcs are recruited to Captain status is if one captain kills another or a War Chief, I think. It’s been about a year since I played.

If you die then loads of new orcs fill up from the bottoms. If you keep dying eventually all “slots” will be filled by live orcs.

So the specific incentive not to die is just that you don’t want the orcs involved in your death to get stronger, right? It’s not like moving up through the ranks and wiping them out is accomplishing anything on its own, correct?

I understand it’s the way to get runes, and of course more power points, but as far as overall game progress, what matters is doing story missions?

Actually, I think that when any of the orcs go up a level they get stronger and get more immunities, IIRC, whether they were involved in your death or not.

You’re right, I worded that poorly.

I guess what I’m trying to understand is that I originally thought that Sauron’s Army interface and the nemesis system was a sort of to-do list, when really, the interface is there for valuable information but the system is more about raising the stakes for failure, not necessarily telling you what you should do. That’s what the missions are for.

Well - not necessarily. As you progress deeper into the game, there comes value in not killing the orcs. There are other reasons for them to exist and repopulate. Trying not to get into spoilers, I suppose.

Hah, maybe I should stop overthinking this and just keep playing.

Sequel revealed by TARGET

Woooo, nice!

Very cool. Why not start a new thread to celebrate?

For now it’s barely a rumor - I’d say we create a thread when it’s confirmed, which is likely to happen soon. ;)

Just call it “Shadow of Mordor 2 rumor?” and we can use it through release.

Shadow of Wardor

Day one. I loved the first one immensely and will buy the second in a heartbeat. Ranks as my favorite third-person action-rpg murder-simulator ever at this point.

Shadows of Mordor and DOOM will always be generation-defining moments for me with my Xbox One; much like Halo & Kingom Under Fire on Xbox classic, Twilight Princess on my Gamecube/Wii, and Just Cause 2 on 360.

Finally went back and finished this, though nowhere near 100%. Looking forward to the sequel now!

Nevermind - I killed them all

Does anyone remember how powerful you need to get before taking on the Warlords? I have the mission to take out 4 warlords and I failed the first time. I think the weakest is power level 12 or something.