Ok, I can’t download this patch. And I can’t even seem to get past the first ninja fortress! Part of the problem is my sorry ass skillz, but part of it is that I can’t see anything. Is this really a great game? Will the camera problems get better? I seem to be dying a lot of times when I can’t even see who is killing me. Any tips?
Try playing blindfolded…it may help. :p
Ok seriously, get used to mashing those triggers often. Blocking with L is huge, rolldodging is even huger, and re-centering with R is hugest.
Keep playing and dying. Experience helps, eventually you’ll get the feel for enemy patterns and scripting. Don’t focus your eyes on Ryu, keep a constant watch on your foe. Reacting to them is key.
Um… don’t even try playing the Hurricane Pack (1.1) until you become very comfortable in the game. There’s another thread here that has more detail in its difficulty.
Sweet make the hardest game ever released in forever even harder by improving the already punishing AI in it. That is a slick move, I’m certain that every 12 year old in America will benefit from this download.
Did I mention that Team Ninja is retarded? The game was punishingly difficult as it was, how about an easier mode for the people who aren’t meth addicted twitch monkeys. Just a thought… but I suck at Ninja Gaiden too, so don’t mind me.
Get a pair of thumbs, you gameplay welfare queen.
Is there going to be a new version of the game packaged with the patch built in?
It’s not really a patch because the original game is left untouched. So I don’t think it will be added on to a newer version. Maybe when it goes to the greatest hits line.
I think Itagaki is right that good game cameras should require minimal control to play the game. I think he’s wrong in saying that Ninja Gaiden shipped with a good camera. . .