Nintendo cancels Spaceworld

My guy in Japan says that Nintendo has canceled Spaceworld this year. Could it be because the titles they want to show won’t be completed in time? I don’t know. I can’t find any press release on it just yet.

I’m pretty sure I heard that a while ago. Also, I believe they’ve done this a few other times in the recent past, so it’s probably not that big of a deal. Can’t wait for SMS, though…

It was canceled over a month ago. They just didn’t see the need for it because E3 has become so global. Since they have no new hardware to show, it’s really not a big deal. They did say they’d probably be at the Tokyo Gameshow though.

Nintendo has become fairly secretive about their games and what they’re working on. They limit the screenshots and try to keep things in their games under wraps until they’re on shelves. I appreciate it because it makes it much more enjoyable to go into a new game without having seen the whole thing in screenshots beforehand.


It’s also hard to make a whole show on like three games.