Nintendo Switch

The Link’s Awakening art style has been a point of contention among fans I’ve noticed, so I watched the trailer again and honestly, I think I love it. I can see why some folks would not, it’s very “cute” and seems like it’s bringing little toys to life, rather than being a more traditional art style, but the action looks very old-school Zelda and I’m pretty excited about this the more I think about it.


I think it looks great, cosmetically. The internet can go play the original if they’re unhappy.

It’s a massive upgrade from the style in A Link Between Worlds, but it’s just a little too Funko Pops/Chibi-like from my liking (though the foxes look very cute). I also don’t understand the blur framing the top and bottom of the screen. What does that add? Hopefully the game’s not just a one-to-one recreation of Awakening, which would be pretty disappointing considering all the neat things the ALBW team introduced to the Zelda formula, such as letting you tackle the dungeons in any order and item renting. I don’t think I’m interested in returning to the basics. Will it still have Link going on a date and that weird whale sequence?

In motion it’s a nice depth of field effect.

Isn’t that just part of the tilt-shift effect that makes it look like miniatures?

I saw someone else mention Stand. WTF is it? Google doesn’t help with a name like that.

It is SO GOOD. I cannot wait to (re)play this game, though it’ll be more like playing it for the first time since I was barely 10 when I played it.

In the JoJo’s manga/anime, a Stand is kind of a familiar, a physical manifestation of their magic/fighting energy. Like, if instead of throwing fireballs, Ryu had a ghost dragon behind him that spit the fireballs.

It’s a relatively common anime trope. Persona’s from the Persona series are another example.

Yeah, it’s the same tilt shift used by 3D Dot Hero. I think it looks really cool. Every time Nintendo experiments with an awesome new style like this I’m reminded again of the Wii era where people kept insisting Nintendo’s art was so strong that they didn’t need modern hardware. But give them modern hardware and they do even more amazing stuff like this, Breath of the Wild, etc.

Tetris 99 is very addictive and entertaining. It truly is a Tetris Battle Royale. The best I’ve done is 20th.

For a while there I was excited that what turned out to be Astral Chain was Xenoblade Chronicles X2.

I’m disappointed, and yet intrigued at the same time.

Tetris 99 ramps up quickly. I wasn’t expecting that. Next time I will. Made it to around 15 I think.

Did they say who is in charge of it? The gameplay and combat in Nier were mostly awful and I couldn’t believe it was the same studio that makes Bayonetta.

Get the heck out of here.

Well, if you like every combat being either “I get one shot” or “I’m unkillable” then I guess it’s great ;)

There were some creative mechanics in the story missions with the viewpoint switches and shmup sections. Enough so for me to tolerate the awful balancing. All of the “normal” combat was like they were trying to make an action game off of a description they read once instead of actually playing one.

Reminds me of all the complaints and whining about Windwaker looking too cartoonish. Hah, game is 15 years old, still looks fantastic and still will look good ten years from now.

Man, the Switch is on fire…I am so tempted to get one with all these games released and coming, but will hold out for a smaller, more portable version if it happens.

Seeing it in motion vaguely reminds me of the PS3 game 3D Dot Game Heroes. Something about the presentation made me think of that older game…perhaps the depth of field effect but something else too.

Here’s a post I found explaining Tetris 99’s mechanics.