Nintendo Switch

IV been buying my 8 year old used physical games. But new digital, with the exception of animal crossing. I still end up finding a little red box with $250 worth of games in this pocket, or in the couch, or he will try to take it onto the playground to show off, and we have a little talk about me not replacing them, and him being responsible.

You cant loan someone a digital copy, but you cant lose or break it either. And he has had some issues with this copy of animal crossing giving him an error from time to time.

The only reason to have a switch cart is the opportunity to taste them.

The thought never crossed my mind to put a Switch cart in my mouth. But now I kinda want to.

If you do, definitely record it.

Trouble is, he also hailing from the land of the hop bomb IPAs, that he might actually like it.

Oh god. Someone is going to make a Switch cartridge flavored IPA arenā€™t they.

Isnā€™t that already what IPAs taste like?

(I wish my brother could see that; he loves 'em and I give him endless shit about how awful they taste. Like trying to make beer out of apple stems and river water.)

Oh man, it was IPAā€™s that convinced me that beer was drinkable. Growing up with the big three beer tasted so terrible it was just social pressure to force me to learn to drink it. Until the craftbrew revolution i was pretty much exclusive a wine guy.

I imagine the only people who liked Coors had a lake house and a ski boat, lived in Colorado or some midwest state, and occasionally beat their wives.

Thatā€™s cider.

LOL that explains Cider.

Dude, Cider is amazing, at least the variety I know of (Asturian). I much prefer it to beer (I like beer too, though).

Oh, lol, I do as well I was just playing along. I assume @Ginger_Yellow is not a Cider fan, seems like, so I just wanted to yes/and keep the bit going. ;)

Woof. These Mario Golf reviews are not ideal, looks like. I donā€™t have the time nor extra funds to put those resources into a mediocre experience. Damn.

Whaaaaat but watching them play it after the Direct looked so good.

Maaaaaaannnnn, that would have been a good one to play with my little monsters too.

Yeah, I was really excited about it until I saw the reviews drop. Now, to be fair, I didnā€™t read any reviews yet - I wasnā€™t going to pick it up until next month anyway due to expensive Magic sets dropping recently - but Iā€™m going to have to do some real research before I decide to grab it or not. It doesnā€™t seem like quite the no-brainer I had originally assumed.

Plus, I have a great Switch game Iā€™m (re)playing that I canā€™t talk about because I am teasing folks in the 2021 Game Thread with it right now, mwa haha. But it will keep me happy for another week or so anyway, I suspect.

I know the game

Itā€™s such a cool game, I kind of almost forgot it existed!

I see what you did there. ;)

Well the Mario Golf reviews I read are super depressing. (6/10), (5/10)

Happily I donā€™t feel like buying anything anyway, I guess.