No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

Now that I understand NMS VR is designed as a seated experience, I fired up a brand new game and had a great time. Exploring the world in VR was just so cool, especially when I fell down a hole into a cave system and had to work my way back out with a storm raging on the surface. Hearing the sound of wildlife approaching you from behind then looking over your shoulder to see some creepy crawly coming up on you felt great.

The only part of the VR control scheme I didn’t care so much for was the ship flying. The VR experience is great for a cockpit situation of course, but I would prefer to just fly my ship using the analog sticks and physical buttons. I’ve never been a fan of flying ships by “grabbing” the throttle and stick in VR space, but by the end of the evening it was starting to feel more comfortable/natural so maybe it will grow on me over time.