No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

Also enemies don’t fly well on planets, so if you enter atmosphere and fly down near the surface you have an advantage. Finally they give up entirely if you land. Eventually they become mere annoyances when you level up your guns, but it’s really tough to win with your starting weapons.

Why is there sometimes a ‘shield’ shaped icon in the lower right of the screen and why is it sometimes an angry red color?

It means your inventory is full.

Damn it, I’m getting tempted to start over from scratch with this game.

Yeah me too. :)

But I’m going to try hold out for 8 more weeks until the big update drops!

Is charging up my Warp Drive (20%… 40%…) allowing me to warp more times or to warp farther distances?

Also, should I only warp to new, undiscovered (to me, anyway) systems and always seek to use the space station Terminus to warp back ‘home’? (if it in fact is saving Warp Fuel)

Man, this is playing so nicely. I’ve died a few more times to pirates but I’ve also blown several out of the sky and redeemed myself. And death isn’t so bad it seems; in fact I can’t determine if they actually take anything when I go to my ‘grave marker’ it feels like I get it all back? But components are damaged obviously.

Funny thing, I’d heard about missions but never been offered one. Then by chance I noticed the left-side ramp in a space station… DOH! Turns out every station has both the trading post / blueprint side and the missions side. I can be so unobservant sometimes.

Also getting the hang of what elements are needed for extending my exploration of new worlds; just keep topping off stacks of Plutonium and Iron with the occasional Thamium9. But as I go through the boxes which are scattered around POIs I am getting stacks of stuff like ‘cubes’ and ‘daggers’ and ‘Geknip’ which I know I can use to increase my standing, etc. And there are other things like Korvax Husks which drop less often. Are they just to sell or should I be hanging on to a sample of those as well? Similarly w/ yellow components… I have some use for a few things now but many others I do not know what use they can be. I guess what I’m asking is “are there things or categories of things I should always be hanging on to or always be selling or getting rid of because they are nigh worthless and just take up space?”.

Final note; been upgrading when and where I can; much better multi-tool, more slots in the backpack and of course a new ship. And I keep window shopping for the next one but it feels like I should keep saving my credits. Think the most I’ve had in hand is about 3 million and the ships that I yearn for next are all about 10-20 million to upgrade to.

Generally speaking I’d avoid spending huge amounts of money on anything for quite a while, because you’re more likely to find superior ships and tools and so on while exploring. You want to scan for signals when you can and look for any nearby radar traces as you fly around a planet because the traces tend to be crashed ships (if they are not live ships in transit to a spaceport). And “installations” (the kind that have doors you have to shoot open) may well have a nice tool or weapon or something like that to pick up.

I hear you but I have been cramped by the lack of space on my first upgrade. Jumped into a 29 slot B-class Shuttle at my local space port for the low low upgrade price of @ 3M. Ugly as sin but she’ll do. What I really want is one of the Firefly “Serenity” type ships I see every so often but I got impatient once I had enough money.

My home planet is really feeling like home. It’s teeming with fauna (I’m still looking for 1/12 to complete it) and only one of the species is aggressive. It’s very easy to recognize and it’s a total asshole. It rams and kills any other fauna that it is near. Now I constantly keep a “kill” mission handy as I have no qualms about offing those fuckers.

Maybe it’s the way of the game but when I came across my starter base it turned out to be a 15 second flight to a space port which is of course very useful. Plus I’ve got a nearby planet with gold deposits and passive sentinels. I’m looking forward to going back with my new shuttle and making a quick few million credits.

That sounds similar to the experience I am having. After jumping a few times I found a system with a planet that had no fauna (radiation storms killed them all off it seems) and decent flora, and was loaded with huge and easy to spot deposits of Heridium, Gold and Emeril, especially Emeril. It’s all over the place in deposits that yield 1500-2500 each with little effort. I renamed the planet Kashmonay Prime so I could easily find it again in my star charts, then discovered a habitable base right by some water and surrounded by deposits of Emeril and Heridium, with caves full of Marrow Bulbs nearby. Best of all, there is a Vy’Keen Trading Post 10 seconds fly time away…AND a space station in orbit above the planet. It’s like the perfect place for a beginners base. I’ve made millions selling Emeril and Gold, totally repaired my ship’s cargo and tech slots, and have advanced the base quests to the point where I now need to kill sentinels and pirates.

I figure I’ll need to go off-world for the sentinels, as I don’t want to piss off the peaceful ones on my money planet. I’m also having a difficult time with the pirates, space combat is terrible in this game. I probably need ship upgrades, but man, maneuverability and weapons aim is a huge challenge. I did just read though that you can tap “1” to lock weapons on a ship, and that upgraded weapons and shields are a must for serious combat, so looks like I have a couple of tasks ahead of me.


LOL, that is exactly the reaction I had when I reached the space station trade terminal and discovered my stacks of Emeril (from just one deposit) were worth a cool 750K units. BAM!

For what it’s worth, check the prices at the space station trading terminal. Then go back down and trade with every new ship that lands there (in the station). You’ll often find deals you can buy from them to turn right back around and sell at the station for a tidy profit.

The limitation is that ships don’t land consistently that have good deals like that.

I saw this thread pop up so I have to ask, what’s in the big update?

A missing animal type can generally be found in caves. They may still be rare even underground, though.

All we know so far is that it’s the biggest update yet, and has multiplayer with proper player models. And rumoured VR support.

Won my ship to ship battle with the pirate for the weapons vendor quest. It wasn’t hard once I stopped trying to dogfight like it was a Wing Commander game (which just resulted in us both flying around in circles) and simply slowed down, got a line on him and let the targeting reticle do it’s thing. Advanced Mining Laser was my reward, so yay, more elements to collect. Looks like the next part of the quest dovetails nicely with my two mercenary missions and base overseer mission all of which require me to destroy Sentinels. Might try to upgrade my mining tool/boltcaster before going out on those missions though.

Another mission asked me to scan creatures. Since the planet my base is located on is devoid of fauna, I zipped over to another planet in my same system. This one is a cold planet, lots of snow and water everywhere. Found several critters right away, and discovered the new planet has a crapton of caves (Marrow Bulbs!) and MOAR Emeril deposits that are even larger than my base planet. I appear to have discovered a system with enough wealth just lying around that it should provide pretty much anything I require until it’s time to move on for parts unknown closer to the galactic core.

I created another vault at my base to hold the new elements I can mine and acquire now, and I’m going to need to spend some time filling up my vaults with essential materials for a bit, and selling Emeril for units. That sounds like busywork, but I’m finding stuff like that to be very relaxing and fun, as I often encounter new POI’s while gathering resources. Which reminds me, I should look for more Exosuit upgrades now that I’m flush with cash again…

I’m still looking for any advice on what is the good stuff when I’m given it (found, mission reward, etc.) that I should be hanging on to and what is the stuff that I should just sell off and free up inventory?

There seem to be a whole family of green-bordered goodies. Some are used to increase faction but others just seem like shiny baubles?

Then there are the yellow things. Does every yellow border item have a use eventually in crafting something bigger and better or are some just shiny baubles to sell? Or if maybe it is for something that is way down the line I’m better off selling it because I’ll find more later?

Finally… there are the things like Pugnium (?) you get from downing sentinels… any use? I know to use Mordite to increase faction with Vy’keen. But the stuff that drops from fighting marauding spaceships or from busting open storage facilities, etc. etc.

Generally speaking… what’s the deal?

Since it’s so easy to raise faction in conversation I don’t try to stockpile the various race doodads but sell them immediately. There are some random other uses for those items, but they don’t frequently come up. The weird materials you can get easily like pugnium or marrow bulbs can indeed be useful at times, but you can always get more anywhere you go, and it’s not a life or death thing like plutonium, so I just get rid of it immediately. Other oddities and commodities vary considerably in usefulness, so it’s hard to give a general answer.

I’m still fairly new myself, but here’s what I’ve been doing:

In my ship’s hold I usually try to keep 1500-2000 Plutonium, 500-1000 Iron, 500 Carbon, 500 Heridium, 500 Platinum and a partial stack of Marrow Bulbs (used fairly often so I never seem to reach 500). This gives me a great base of materials to build pretty much anything I need on the spot. Now that I can mine Chrysonite and Titanium I will likely add a stack of each as well.

In my Exosuit I try to maintain 200-250 Thamium, 200-250 Zinc, 250 Iron, 250 Carbon, and 250 Plutonium. This gives me a “charge bank” to draw from to recharge any systems that need it, even if I am away from my ship.

Now that I have built a couple of storage units at my base, I’m also stockpiling single stacks (1000) of a few other elements like Aluminum, Iridium, Copper and Nickel. As I see more of the rare/exotic stuff I may hoard that as well. Again, for manufacturing things later on.

Everything else gets SOLD. If I find Power Gels or Power Canisters, I’ll use them immediately to charge my Mining Tool or hang on to them briefly for the same purpose. I do cart around a stack of 5 Shielding Shards in my ship’s hold to use to quick charge my shields in combat. Any more than that, and almost all other Yellow items I find, get sold. You can always find/buy more. Obviously if you somehow find Suspension Fluid use it to build a Warp Cell, don’t sell it. I have yet to find it in any containers though.

For the racial items, I will carry a stack of 5 of the common items relevant to the race who owns the system I am in. This gives me the option of gifting them in dialogs, which is an instant faction boost. They’re so common though that I sell any others I find outside of that stack of 5.

Emeril, Gold and any excess Nickel, Copper, Aluminum, etc. I pick up while mining all gets sold. This makes up the bulk of my income, along with selling off the racial faction items. Eventually I may need some of that stuff to build things, but for now cash is king, and there are plenty of resource deposits in the universe!

Thanks to you and Miramon; great advice and observations.

I pretty much have followed your path, SM. Try to stay topped off on some of the most common elements, ferry less common stuff to the base storage units esp. if it doesn’t sell for much and/or it can’t be found on the market.

I feel like the matter of the other stuff; green trinkets and yellow gizmos; has been addressed as well as can be. The answer being ‘it depends’. I too keep the shield stuff in stacks of 5 in my ship and will hang on to faction items if I’m in system with that race but otherwise I’ll sell stuff off for 10-25K and make space in my holds.

Cool, sounds like great minds of the universe think alike. =) I wish there was true multiplayer, as I’d love to play co-op exploring and building in tandem with someone else. Maybe in the NEXT update coming in July?

Last night I was exploring the frosty Emeril-laden planet on the fringe of my home system and found a Transmission Tower base. The Vy’Keen inside was trying to surrender to me, holding out his multi-tool. I decided to accept, and while I lost faction standing with the Vy’Keen, I gained a Class A multi-tool with considerably more slots and far better specs than my current one. I had to repair some of the slots, but I had money to spare. I then gained the standing right back by solving the transmission signal puzzle, so in the end I received a very expensive multi-tool for around 250K in slot repair costs. SCORE!

The signal I decoded then led me to a nearby ship wreck. It was one of those Firefly style haulers, with 29 slots versus the 23 in my current ship. It’s also worth $10mil, versus the $2.8 mil of my current ship. I was damn near ready to trade and start the slot repair dance all over again when I noticed the new ship only had 4 tech slots, versus the 7 on my current ship. Damn. That’s a deal breaker. Every lost tech slot means a cargo slot used instead for ship tech, which in turn means this wrecked Firefly is not a great upgrade for me. Bummer.

Tonight I will mine/sell to raise a bit more cash, then head off to find and eliminate some sentinels to advance the tasks I have open. Oh, I also found a Vortex Cube lying on a cave floor last night. Stashed it in my inventory till I can figure out what it’s used for.