No Signal! HDMI problem! Help me, please!

Does it refuse to be the only display at 1080p? Are you sure you have the cable from the computer connected to the same port it was previously? It May not accept a 4K signal on every port.

Yep, still refuses. I just tried it again to confirm.

Hmm, I did use a different port. I’ll go check the other HDMI input.

… aaand, no luck on that either. But thanks for the suggestion!

So between scenario 1 & 2 the only difference is that you swapped the short cable for a long one? Same output/input ports on TV & PC?

I’ve had trouble plugging in my monitor’s hdmi cable into my graphics card. The hdmi plug is a little too thick for the space between the port and the tower case. There were some times where I thought the plug was properly seated but it turned out that it wasn’t seated at all. I really have to jam it in there. Maybe it’s possible that’s what’s going on with your monitor?

Good thought but it’s as far as I can plug it! And I do get the Alienware logo to show up when it’s the only thing plugged in so it would seem the cable is plugged in enough.

I believe so, yes.

I had been using that HDMI input on the LG TV for almost a year now with my older PC. That same cable and HDMI port handled the PC signal just fine in 4K HDR with my RTX 2080.

When I moved the new PC in, I plugged in everything at once including my Acer monitor, my VR headset, and all USB peripherals, etc.

When it didn’t work, I started troubleshooting by removing everything.

When I stripped it down to just the long HDMI cable, I got the Alienware logo at boot up followed by the lost signal when Windows wanted to start. (That was a sad moment cuz I thought I had it.)

So is it refresh rate? I tried setting it to 60, 59, 50, 30, and 120 and then gave up.

I tried various resolutions as well but I just want the native 4K on both!

Why can it duplicate the signal just fine but not send it exclusively to the LG TV?!?

Why can it Extend the two desktops but only when the LG TV is set to 1080p?!

Is there some kind of boot order on those outputs on the RTX 3080? I’ll plug it into the first slot when I get the DP to HDMI adapter.

Thanks again for the suggestions! These flaky mysteries unite us as gamers. Lord knows, my wife doesn’t understand the struggle! :D

I really want you to try a new cable just to sate my curiosity. I still think it has something to do with the resolution since it works okay in duplicate… but I really do want to know how a bad cord might affect things.

Yeah, I mean, it’s both the simplest thing to test and the most likely culprit.

Well, I agree, but…

I just unplugged the 35 ft cable from my new PC and plugged it back into my old PC and the cable works just fine on the LG TV out of my RTX 2080 at 4K HDR.

It just doesn’t cooperate with my new PC/video card.

Is it the length of the cable? The 3080 can’t quite go the distance??

Ha! Perfect.

Could it be a setting on my LG TV that’s causing the problem?

I think I have it set to Game Response mode so I’ll see that notification pop up sometimes. Same with HDR when it feels like it.

I find the settings options on these new TVs completely exhausting. Like, I’ll run through it once with a website guide to tweak the settings when I get the TV but then I never want to think about it again.

I have no practical advice to offer, but having gone through something similar last week, only to have everything magically work after I ripped out my GPU and connected two different monitors…I can only offer:


Try turning the Deep Colour thing off through the TV. If I enable that, my TV shows no signal from my PC (LG CX). That’s about the only thing I can think of.

Yes! I am rooting hard for the Everything Magically Works outcome.

Do we know if there’s a frame rate hit to games if it’s outputting to two sources in Duplicate mode? I should test it.

Honestly, I don’t even know why I care that much. Duplicate mode seems totally fine, especially when I adjust the picture settings to Vivid or HDR Effect. It looks great.

I guess it’s just a tech puzzle that needs solving.

I’ll try that in a bit, thanks. Gotta go pick up the girls from school.

Maybe? Just try a different cable and rule it out.

I don’t know why everyone doesn’t have a half-dozen extra cables sitting around like I do. Heck I sometimes give them away like candy to family and friends who keep buying things without needed accessories.

If he’s using a 35 ft cable he may just not want to drag the PC across the room to test with a shorter one.

Hi from the car!

Yeah, that’s part of it. Plus, I already know the 8 foot cable works fine if it’s the only display connected. I can’t test it with the additional monitor due to the room configuration.

And, yeah, I have piles of HDMI cables lying around but very few that are 4K compatible.

Your traffic light is green. Move forward slowly.