Norabunga Returns To The US - And He's Bringing His Ambition With Him

I’ve played 3 years of the first scenario, the Birth of Nobunagaa.

I’ve ignored RTS and let the troops fight by themselves.

I have a question about the neutral tribes. So in the starting province of Owari I seem to share it with another Oda clan. These bastards have 1% of the influence and I can’t seem to get rid of it. I want to absorb them!

Do I have to wait till I can diploabsorb my cousins?

Norabunga was originally a typo that I couldn’t correct because you can’t fix headers. I’ve gotten so much crap about it (and rightfully so), I decided double down. As to the genesis of Clarabella, I guess I’m just a little older than you are.

Gotten crap? No way. “Norabunga” is such an amazing word.

I don’t know if it’s generational or what but I have a friend who played Nobunaga as a kid, during the same time period that Ninja Turtles was on air, who also calls it Norabunga.

It’s not the genesis but the connection with Norabunga that I don’t get?

If they only did a Gihren’s Greed with these production values…

There is none.

Ah, I guess I thought you were wittier :)

You must have me confused with John Greenleaf.

Wait… is John Greenleaf the Americanized name for Nobunaga?

Yeah, in his later years after he fled Japan where he couldn’t escape being called by a young Spanish girl’s name.

Pulled the trigger, now to spend some time this weekend no doubt being a bit lost figuring the game out.

The no saving of settings is slightly annoying! I haven’t done anything other than firing it up, looking at the main menu and exiting again - I’ll be trying it out this weekend as well :-)

Also pulled the trigger due to fond memories of the original Romance of the Three Kingdoms back in the 80’s, a bit overwhelmed. Going to try to dive into it this weekend.

Yep, that is mildly annoying, it’s been brought up a few times on the steam forum, and other minor glitches had a quick patch first day to fix so I’m hoping they fix this too, just seems like they need the game to do a save file of preferences, something any game you’d think would do, haha. Hard to know how it got out of QA w/ this missing, especially since it was originally made on PC as I understand and ported to console, so pretty odd.

I expect to be pretty lost initially, probably circling back here or steam forum to ask a stream of dumb questions.

I read somewhere that the Japanese release had the same issue two years ago, and it still hasn’t been addressed, so don’t hold your breath. A small blemish on an otherwise very good game.

One thing I want to mention is how good the interface is for a game this involved. Despite a system of menus-within-menus and dozens of things you might be able to do every turn, you always know which choices are and aren’t available and which targets are viable for those choices.

In too many grand strategy games you either have to scour the map or study a spreadsheet in order to find opportunities for action.

A few things i dislike about the interface:

  • When you get an incoming alliance request, you’re not able to look at the situation before making your choice.
  • Editing delegated provinces is somewhat cumbersome, having to reselect the main base despite no changes.
  • Should be able to buy multiple treasures. Shop buy should replace the SELECT button with an instantly-buy this item button.
  1. I only had that happen twice, but it’s a good point.

  2. I haven’t messed with provinces yet.

  3. I haven’t had a chance to purchase treasures yet.

Keyboard Shortcuts from Japanese Wiki.