NWN2 Goes Gold

I’ve been messing with this a bit but I hate the camera controls. I would like to be able to play in exploration mode and use the mouse at edge of screen to turn the camera view, but that is very slooooooooow for me. I can get the camera to turn quickly by using the hotkey (middle mouse or X) but I’d really rather use the mouse - I don’t like having to hold a key while spinning my view.

I did some googling and there are 78 bazillions posts complaining about the camera but nothing that really addresses my problem. Specifically I want the speed of “mouse edge turning” to be faster but not change anything else.

Any ideas, or perhaps posts/sites with more detailed info?

I did not mind the original campaign so much (I liked that it seemed less grimdark and more quirky than typical CRPGs), but its biggest flaw was how long it was. I’m pretty sure it took me more like 50-60 hours to finish the main quest, or maybe it just felt that way. It does that annoying thing that these games have the tendency to do where it takes you several hours to even get to the main area (Neverwinter in this case) and for the story to really begin. In the meantime, you’re romping around swamps ad nauseum. I do remember really loving one of the things at the end where your main character’s relationships with other party members gets tested that can alter the nature of the final battle a bit. Usually, these games only use relationships to determine which person your character sleeps with at the end, so it was nice to have something a bit more substantial and interesting happen. As mentioned by pretty much everyone, the expansions are better though and I would personally be hesitant to play through the original campaign again.

I do not think that the mod scene for NWN2 was ever as robust as the original, which is unfortunate because it’s a better game in nearly every regard otherwise. I do recall an adaptation of one of the old pen-and-paper modules for it being really good (Cult of the Reptile God or something similar), so I would definitely recommend looking into that if you want some more stuff to do after playing the expansions, or maybe if you are looking for an adventure with a more reasonable playtime.

Sorry, no. I play in Exploration Mode with the camera zoomed all of the way back, and the view approximately isometric. When I need to rotate I mouse-three (scroll wheel down) and hold and move it to where I need it.

I seem to recall the client extension opened up the camera a bit. Its got other refinements. Do you use it?


This post had some camera hacks:

Note it mentions a later patch reduced it down to 2 camera views… which is not my experience. In Storm of Zehir with the extension I have all 3 views.

Play an evil character and you can side with the big bad at the end. Which results in the game’s final battle being against all those companions you gathered up throughout the game.

I did this with a decked out LE monk and just mowed through the companions like they were chaff.

I didn’t play an evil character, so I only got to kill one or two of my party at the end when they turned on me for not agreeing with them enough throughout the game. If I ever play it again, I’ll try it out being evil.

Oh, that is a reminder of one of the really bad design decisions the game designers made. If you wanted to advance a relationship with an NPC, you always had to agree with them, even if what they wanted was a really bad idea.

I think the idea is the reverse - if you agreed with the NPC your relationship would advance.

But most players do not treat it that way.

Well, if you think about the type of person that would drop everything and go into danger with you, you aren’t exactly dealing with the most balanced people.

Yeah, I really enjoyed that aspect of the game. I inevitably took stances that pissed off certain party members but pleased others. It didn’t change my decisions at all, but it did influence who I wanted with me in my party. Once again though, this was another aspect that I thought was done better here in NWN2 than in Dragon Age: Origins later.

It was a throwback to the Baldur’s Gate 2 style of characters - a large roster, many of whom would not work (happily) in the style of party you wanted to play. They wouldn’t always leave or come to blows, but several combinations of character/alignments would cause that to happen. Or turning the LN cleric into a CN alcoholic. That’d do it too.

That can’t work for Bioware RPGs any more. Development costs for a companion are far too high, given huge amounts of 3D animation, writing and (most expensively) voice acting now required. So now all characters have to be fully compatible with any others, and any style of playthrough. DA:I was very brave in letting several characters actually storm out if you said/did the wrong things, though you had to quite far off the beaten track in most cases.

I’m amazed they did so much in NWN2 (though I still found most of the characters utterly forgettable).

This is an interesting point that I honestly hadn’t thought too much about. I suppose such considerations also inform Bioware’s decision to have such a variety of romantic options.