Obamacare is worthless

State run high risk pools is the only proposal of any kind we’ve actually seen so far. Signs like he’s just saying SIGN THE REPEAL QUICK the replacement will be great.

He says all that and then says he isn’t in favor of single-payer.

¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

There are two answers here.

First, they are not allowed to just raise your rates for no reason. They aren’t allowed to raise your rates for things that aren’t your fault.

Second, this other instances are not required for you to continue existing on earth as a living being.

But beyond all of that, I would argue that it is in fact not in society’s interest to have people be economically ruined due to healthcare expenses. Society as a whole will be more productive by keeping people healthier.

We must acknowledge the simple truth that healthcare is not a commodity which can be managed by market forces. The inelastic nature of the demand means that it needs to be handled differently. And I say this as someone who believes very strongly in the market’s efficiency in most things.

Pretty sure Mexico will pay for it.

He said everyone gets insurance… but not everyone will get GOOD insurance.

He was actually referring to renter’s insurance; all houses will now become property of Trumpmerico.

We’ll be back to the days where people have “insurance” and still get completely shocked when it barely covers anything, has a maximum payout that is ridiculously low and general doesn’t save them from any kind of sudden medical cost whatsoever. Despite what was suggested here, these kind of plans also existed in the employer field… and small businesses offered them, sometimes not even realizing themselves how poor the plan they offered their employee was.

Insurance for everyone doesn’t mean they will cover pre-existing conditions or preventative care either (small changes right)?

While I completely understand that nothing out of Trump’s mouth can be believed, I’m now fully of the mindset that anything less than universal coverage (not their BS ‘universal access’) is a complete back-peddle of his promise as President and Trumpcare is an utter failure.

And I hope the GOP is held to the fire when they weasel out of it.

Literal fire would be nice.

Mexico’s gonna pay for the wall, and the big insurance companies are gonna pay for universal healthcare.

These people are literally retarded.

The elephant in the room is who’s going to pay for that huge bag of movie popcorn? At theater prices, that’s at least the cost of a wall and healthcare, combined.

The soda is going to pay for the popcorn.

Hehe, not too far off. Damn, that’s one crazy amount of popcorn. I shudder to think what a movie theater would charge for that amount. It would probably be $250 or something.

My guess, from my movie theater days, is that is an employee. I remember we would, at the end of the day, bag the popcorn up at the end of the day in a giant bag just like that. This would form the basis of the next day matinee’s popcorn.

One of my jobs at the movie theater as a teen was to come in Thursday night and make popcorn for 4 hours. I’d listen to the radio (back in the mid 90s when music was still decent, but on the decline), make popcorn, and load it into giant bags like that. Once I’d filled the storage room I was done, then I’d have to go do the sign for the new movies opening Friday.

Doing the sign involved carrying a giant cardboard box of mylar letters out to the street with a big ass a-frame ladder, climbing up, and trying to Scabble my way through the movie titles. Sometimes I’d run out of popular letters, like S, and have to improvise with the lone 5 in the box. Sometimes we’d take crappy letters like Q and use that for popular letters that ran out. So like, INDEPENDQNCE DAY, which is one I actually did, but that movie came out on a Tuesday and I had to go out special Monday night to add that movie. The killer was I had to move all the other movies down 1 row, which meant redoing the whole sign, because this one had to be up top. So it got a Q.

I didn’t get health insurance from the movie theater. At the time my dad was on disability from work and we had to go to the free clinic with the Mexican Dr in the next town who didn’t charge anyone except for supplies. He was only open 2 nights a week. I got a tetanus shot from him when I stepped on a nail.

Obamacare is the new third rail…

This is the most entertaining quote from the CNBC article

“You didn’t have already the tentacles of Obamacare, you didn’t already have the damage, the destruction, the harm created by Obamacare driving premiums up, distorting health-care markets and health-insurance markets,” Johnson said.

This is Johnson’s reason for why they can’t repeal Obamacare. What? “It’s doing so much harm that we can’t get rid of it” is how that reads. The Republicans are in charge and finally realize that you can’t pull the rug out from under 20 million people without a replacement safety net. They know there is a chance they might not be able to change it at all, so they are already preparing their arguments on how they can blame Democrats.

And given the unfathomable stupidity of the American electorate, that should work reasonably well for them come 2018!

The latter pieces are crucial here. What we’re talking about is US Health Care for the 21st Century, or at least a framework, and the GOP seems stuck in mid 20th century thinking in terms of what the needs of the US will be over the next 50 years or so.

Health Insurance has ALWAYS been a “healthy people help cover sick people” proposition (just like ALL insurance programs). In the 21st century, I seriously expect the employer-provided health insurance model to continue to degrade. It was fantastic in the 1950’s and '60’s, but as the economy has diversified and people change jobs/careers more and more frequently, it’s showing some serious gaps which haven’t been seriously filled as yet, and are getting worse.

This Onion fake interviews was funny to me: