Obamacare is worthless

#Trumpmerica2017 #SoGreat #BiglyGreatness #ArmandoPenbladeWantsToDie

You’re in luck! This administration wants to kill you. And us.

It’s always hard to tell how many of these are real but this is my “favorite” so far…

@realDonaldTrump I voted 4 u to get rid of abama-don’tcare not kill the ACA! I have surgery next month! Just #draintheswamp dont kill me

Suicide is painless.

but only if it involves ticking a box and waiting a few months to die.

Then they should maybe counter that by making ‘political terrorism’ a felony for conservative politicians and their voters.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Will they pull this off seamlessly enough so that their constituents don’t notice?

Hey man, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Cut them some slack if they actually pull their heads out of their asses and do the right thing. Cause the far right is gonna fight them. The only way they can win by doing the right thing, is if the folks on the left actually acknowledge the improvement.

Oh, I’ll take it. But after all the overheated rhetoric from the Right about how the ACA was a threat to the moral fabric of the universe, I’d not begrudge the Democrats some belly laughs.

The GOP has been crying wolf for years about this thing and now that they are… uh… in charge of the anti-wolf squad they need to… er… Well that analogy only goes so far. But you get the idea.

As I will do. After I laugh at them for a while. Everything seems so easy when the only power you have is to blame other people. That’s a lesson that Dems need to take to heart now, too.

Fixed that for you

Just play it… cool. If the left starts jumping up and down and shit, the far right is going to reject it out of spite.

Hell, if the left and moderates play it cool, and maybe say, “Hey, that’s not good enough! Don’t change anything!” then maybe that will trick the far right into saying, “Hey this is pissing those folks off… so I guess it’s still ok!”

So… maybe I need to retract my previous statement. Maybe the left should pretend like they hate it?

It’s hard to do strategy when your opponent is a chimpanzee.

Is that the 4D chess everyone keeps meming about? Damn.

On the surface, this is good. The way to fix Obamacare is to correct and improve aspects of it, not throw it out completely.

That’s been my major complaint with healthcare reform from the beginning – anything this large and sweeping is going to have problems and issues, version 1.0 isn’t going to be anywhere near perfect and expecting any system to be is ludicrous. What you need to do is get something in place and iterate, iterate, iterate. If the GOP wants to “Repair” Obamacare, that’s terrific (assuming the “repair” isn’t just a euphemism for “shitting it up”).

This debate on CNN between Cruz and Sanders is killing me. It’s filled with soundbites the GOP will use of Bernie Sanders saying “the system is broken” regarding Obamacare. I don’t agree with anything Cruz is saying, but he’s really answering questions much better than Sanders.

Sanders basically just told a business owner that she’s fucked when she asked how she can afford to give her employees healthcare if she wants to expand beyond 50 employees. He went on to answer it more clearly, but that first answer was not good.

This was tough, because on some level… Yeah, fuck that lady.

She owns 5 business, employees 49 people… But doesn’t want to give them insurance. I understand that. It’ll cost her money. So she says she would have to increase prices or cut wages.

Sounds bad, right? But that judgement ignores the status quo.

Right now, while that woman was there in the auditorium, there were 49 people in Ft Worth Texas who are paying for their own healthcare. That healthcare cost isn’t free, just because she isn’t paying for it. But at least they can in fact get healthcare through the exchange as individuals, something which have been far more difficult if not impossible prior to the ACA.

So repeal the ACA. What happens? Well, she could hire more people without paying for their healthcare… But they still wouldn’t have healthcare. And then you wouldn’t have the exchange where they could get individual insurance anyway… So for her, it would potentially be better. But for the 49 folks she employs, it’d be worse.

Those 49 people just weren’t in the auditorium.

Also, forgive me, but i call bullshit on her not being able to afford insurance if she owns 5 separate businesses. Pretty sure she flat out lied about that.

While I agree with you Timex on some level on a more meta, “how do we talk to them”, level, Democrats today really do seem to have a big problem with communication “in the middle”, which is strange imo. It’s as if they can only talk about blue collar in the terms of unions, and there are no unions anymore, and so they have nothing to say.

To put it in more inflammatory terms, the line between “society owes you” to “you owe society”. I don’t know why they can’t get past this rhetorically speaking but it seems a real hangup.

Yeah. The right answer to the question is to say, what would any of those 49 people say right now, that’s a great point. If one of those 49 employees gets cancer, it’s is directly because of the ACA they can get on a plan and get coverage even if the employee doesn’t offer it, even if the insurer insists their cancer is pre-existing, the can still get coverage from the ACA on an exchange and not die.

On an intellectually true level, absolutely. The problem is that this election should’ve taught people that there is a significantly large portion of the US that doesn’t want to hear that.

And those people vote.