Obamacare is worthless

Those industries pump tens of billions of dollars into the American political system to help ensure that none of those ways ever happen.

This is the mire that Trump should be cleaning up, also what is happening to the EPA is just as bad. If you all vote for me as president I’ll sort it out, I don’t even have a twitter account.

Here’s the clip:

“and now for our latest trick, TAX REFORM!”

They should have called it for what it was the “Reverse Robin Hood” bill. Maybe the ultra conservatives would have given their backing then.

And seriously folks, here’s your take-away today.

Yes, the ultra-conservative House Freedom Caucus were the original opposition on this. But they were starting to waver and get shaky last night and this morning.

What finally killed this thing dead was electorally-vulnerable house members like Frelinghuysen and Comstock coming out against. Activism worked. It worked today.

And so remember that in the next fight. Get ready to make phone calls. Get ready to go to town halls.

We so got this.

You are absolutely right, it is up to armchair liberals to actually get up and do something. With a bit of luck Trump will get very little done in the next 3 years and 10 months.

This quote, from Republican congressman Joe Barton. Holy shit.

That’s such a ridiculous statement to make. They had a president with a brain in power so it was okay to make dangerous and horrific decisions knowing the guy in power would save them. Now that they have their rubber stamp, oh no… they have to rely on themselves and answer for what they do.

Cheeto is already blaming the Democrats for the bill failing, because they didn’t lend any support.

Trump is currently blaming the democrats as to why the bill didn’t pass, the blame game.

Of course he is. But outside of the 27%, will literally anyone buy it?

“It’s imploding but soon will explode” - Trump
Does anyone on the forum talk Trumpish who can translate for me?

Only true believers are buying that. Unified government means it’s their job to fix it.


Before voting on the Affordable Care Act in 2010, President Obama met with many members of Congress on both sides of the aisle over the course of many months. This picture was taken at the end of a multiple hours-long meeting with the entire Republican House caucus in which he responded to dozens of questions and critiques. It was carried live on cable TV.

Edit: via

Probably the ones that think Democrats are literally the reason Trump is in office… or are they part of the 27%? I’ve lost track of who the 27% is now. Does that still include the group that’s still angry about Bernie, or just the ones thanking Trump for the coverage they have under ACA today?

Did I hear right that The Donald through executive action has done away with the tax penalty for not having insurance of some kind? :facepalm: