Obama's press conference

Half over and no thread about it?

  1. He’s doing pretty well I think, but I’m obviously BIAS. Does this stuff he’s breaking down seem as obvious to everyone else as it does to me?

  2. “Ginned up!” Awesome.

  3. What’s the deal with the backdrop behind him?

All these print journalists have faces (& hair! yikes, toupe man!) just made for newspapers.

I wish they would have had Geitner’s press conf tonight, and then Obama’s tomorrow. He isn’t able to talk about a lot of the specifics Geitner will address tomorrow.

Man, Huffington Post gets into press conferences?

Hold up. Did a serious reporter actually ask the President of the United States about his feelings on A-Rod using steroids? How much longer until the President is asked about betting odds at the Kentucky Derby?

“Serious” may be a bit of a stretch.

Also, apparently that backdrop was an actual hallway. Or he just walked off into a painting, not sure which.

Yeah, it’s amazing how fake that hallway looked from dead-ahead. Of course, I was watching on a low-res internet video, but still.

What the History Channel’s special about the White House and it puts a few of the rooms into context. He was giving the speech in the East Room, which is the largest room in the White House and right off a hallway.

Almost every president gives major press conferences from that room and position. It’s been used for decades.

I noticed that President Obama, unlike President Bush Jr, didn’t call the reporters by any silly nicknames or was combative if they had asked him serious questions.

Did you guys catch what Helen Thomas was interrupting him about? She kept trying to say something, but Obama either kept talking or moved on to the next question.

Urk, where is a video or audio track of the full conference? All I can find are excepts.



The videos I’m finding on youtube are of highly crappy quality; i cant believe people record video by pointing a video camera at the television screen and recording.

Here’s what appears to be a full transcript if you want to read it.

Here’s the transcript. Damn, I just keep envisioning Bush’s press conferences and it’s like night and day.


After watching President Obama’s press conference I thank God that Senator McCain didn’t win the presidential election.

I’m actually quite envious that you Americans have an intelligent and charismatic leader. Such qualities have been lacking up here in Canada for several years (we don’t directly elect our Prime Minister nor Premiers).

Good god that’s full of win. I’m still skeptical about the long-term implications of the stimulus and bank bailout, that A) we’re funding it on borrowed money and B) many of the measures are aimed at propping up overvalued assets. Still, I’m glad he finally called bullshit on the Republican foot-dragging, and he did it in a way that’s a lot more polite than I would have done it.

And like Woolen Horde, even when I disagree with some of the specifics, it’s just so amazing to have a president, or any politician really, who doesn’t make me facepalm with complete embarrassment.

Bush was frequently asked about the steroid issue, or at least just tossed a bit about it in his “state of the union” address one year, in part because baseball receives a federal anti-trust exemptions. (And obviously, Bush had more ties to baseball being a former owner and all.)