Not by much though. Two weeks in the scheme of things. Annoying though, something I would have wanted to get, if I get an Xbox.
Not by much though. Two weeks in the scheme of things. Annoying though, something I would have wanted to get, if I get an Xbox.
I know it was supposed to be a 360 launch title, but still, I’m pleasantly surprised that it’ll be coming out this soon (if it does).
For a second there I thought someone had fixed the typo in the other thread.
Honestly, while this is my most anticipated game in years I don’t care if it’s delayed until next spring, just so long as it’s got some polish on it.
I agree. They’re already missing the launch week. Hold onto it and finish it right if you’re rushing to get it done.
I couldn’t agree more.
Does this include the PC version?
Does this mean the PC version is delayed as well? I don’t give a crap about the 360 version.
No way they’ll release the PC box before the xbox360.
why not? they did for MW didnt they?
also- I read an article in EGM (i know I know, but the mag stalks me, I have a free neverending sub somehow) that SEEMED to talk about purchasing bethesda made mods over Live?
Purchasing? wha?
The item mentioned (armor for horses) was even brought up as something they wanted to get in the game but didnt quite make it in. They did this for MW too, obviously, but they didnt charge for them. They are piddly little treats, like helms and armor and junk, not anywhere near what you get from the fan-mods, but they were nice. But not for 1.99 or 5$ or whatever…
… and does this mean PC users DONT get them at all? since there isnt any easy to setup payment option? Or wil lthey roll it into an online store and make us pay? or give them free to pc gamers like last time and the 360 guys can get pissed?
How the hell is that going to work out?
all that said, it’s egm so maybe they were unclear and meant purchase mods w/ the live ‘cred’ crud or whatever the fuck it is. Also I was sleepy, so maybe i’m imagining the whole thing.
Microsoft’s intention with Live is for people to charge you for stuff like that so it’s very possible it was reported correctly. They’ve got this idea of a “Live Marketplace” where you spend little bits of money on all kinds of stuff like in-game items and you even buy and sell these things from other users.
I’m sure PC users get the same exact stuff. If they don’t I’m sure someone will take the x-box add-ons rip all the data, and repackage it as a PC mod.
And then they will cry when nobody buys that crap. For example, the Halo 2 mappack… everyone that I know who has it, none of them bought it (I’d estimate at least 20 Halo 2 players). Ouch, Microsoft?
Charging for downloadable content has been an option to developers since Live was originally launched. It doesn’t take off because you can’t sell a consumer on that kind of thing. So don’t worry about it.
I wonder how the purchases from other users will work, will there be some e-bay service connected to live where you can sell your player skin or something?
I can see some mods being purchased for multiplayer games for example if there’s some Oblivion expansion released with a few new areas and a co-op mode how many people would pay a couple extra bucks for some faster mounts and cooler armor and such to show off to their friends?
I think one of the bigger reasons that it didn’t do as well as hoped was that you basically couldn’t charge anything under $4.99 for a download (because otherwise the cost would be dominated by fees). Apparently the minimum charge can be a lot lower this time around…
I wonder what two weeks could change for a game that complex…
I was under the impression that the game had been finished for some time, just waiting for the xbox360 to be released. Well, maybe not.
Anyway, bethesda hasn’t put forth any official release dates other than “holidays 2005”, so as long as it comes out before mid-december it isn’t actually delayed.
Usually a delay of two weeks is something like someone caught a shipstopper bug and they had to restart their test pass.