Octavia Butler's "Dawn" (and the Xenogenesis series)

Holy hell how have I never heard of this book or series before?

I read half of it before I realized it was published nearly 30 years ago. It reads like a modern day Sci-Fi masterpiece with no signs of age. A unique premise and execution of a “first contact” story as far as I know, and just thoroughly engrossing.

I feel ashamed that I’d never before heard of or read anything by Octavia Butler before. Now I think I’ll need to read everything by her. Sad that she died 10+ years ago :-(

I haven’t finished Dawn yet (almost there), but anyone read this? Does the trilogy fulfill the potential of this first book? No spoilers please!

I’m also amazed that this hasn’t been turned into a movie or TV series yet. Looks like some sort of plans are underway but no news for a long time.

Butler, imo, is somewhat overlooked as one of the premiere social science fiction voices of the 80s/90s. Though her work is becoming more recognized than it used to be. I think she tended to get stuck into a niche of “black female SF writer” that was hard to break out of. But yes, the Xenogenesis work is very strong–it certainly should draw comparisons to LeGuin’s work–and much of her other work is equally solid.

I read the whole Xenogenesis series a year ago and really enjoyed it. The best thing about it is how alien the Aliens feel and how it pervades throughout the book.

I love Octavia Butler’s writing. Kindred is one of my favorites.

She’s the Google logo for today! Checking out her stuff!


I read the Xenogenisis series last year.

Let’s just say that you won’t be able to look at the Asari in Mass Effect the same way again.

I’m on the 3rd book now and it’s get good. I was also surprised that I never heard of her, especially as I spent the 80s and 90s reading and scifi book I could get my hands on.

I studied modern lit at UCSC and they had us read this series. I enjoyed it. Lots of postmodern and cultural studies relevance.