That was me, because I was looking forward to much amusing doomsaying on this forum. So far I have not been disappointed! :P[/quote]
Was that the only reason? As a despicable European social democrat, my natural inclination was to want the US ‘knocked down a peg’, as they say, but I was too lazy to do anything about it. Luckily, the US decided to help me out.
Plus, I like interesting times and explosions in far-off places on my TV, and Bush provides both in abundance.
Well, I’m sorry about that, and I really do feel badly about the people over there who got a president they’re not exactly compatible with, and for the people all over the world who will be affected by this. But it’s a big world, and after having seen how the world works for some years I’m finding it increasingly difficult to muster outrage over all the bad stuff out there. I can’t do anything about it anyway.
But you know, after having seen this election, I’m almost starting to think the US isn’t even a real country, and that’s after having lived there.
I agree, from a Machiavellian and entertainment viewpoint Bush is definitely preferrable to Kerry. Besides, we can rest assured now that we’re not going to send troops to Iraq during the next four years. Very convenient!
Now if only my shares would rise in response to a Republican victory, as they usually do…