Official E-Guides = Massive rip-off = Fuck you steam

Alive and well and quite a bit older than most Steam fanbois.

Wow really? So where do all these Neanderthals hang out?

My favorite:

If only…if only…sigh Van Buren…

“Deal with it.”

They got the idea from Adobe and Direct2Drive about three years ago then, because this sort of thing is old news.

Especially for a game like New Vegas where the wiki explains how you can fix your savegame with console commands when the bugs rear their ugly head.

The best guide I have is Bradygames’ Marvel vs Capcom 3 guide. It’s really detailed, goes over the game systems, very in-depth… And of course it will be irrelevant in November.

The Fallout 3 GOTY guide was very good too.

What power? The power to not enjoy things for fairly trivial reasons?

The real world where games are just another form of entertainment, not Teh Precious!