If you want to play with other Qt3 players, roll up a character on Ehmry Bay!
Our guild is called Quarter to Three, and a tag reading QTT will appear next to your name. Note that you can be a member of as many guilds as you like. However, you can only “represent” one at a time, which determines who you’re talking to in guild chat and which guild you’re progressing as you play. You may freely change representation at any point.
Just below this post, you’ll find a list of guild members listed by their forum name and Guild Wars 2 accounts. If you want an invite, post your account name in this thread. If you’re impatient to get your invite, feel free to send a tell ingame to pretty much anyone in the guild. It’s set up so that almost all the members have invite privileges.
I am actually very concerned about Jade Quarry’s population boom, and it does look like a problem that may have me looking hard at whatever server The Wanderers are starting on. I’ll update the thread with that info when they’ve finalized that decision.
Yea, JQ was already looking like a serious cluster and that was before Reddit. I’d like to play on the server, but at the same I’d actually like to play with my friends who don’t happen to be able to make a character at 12:01am as well as play “real” WvW instead of overflow.
Nope, the “no overflow” in WvWvW along with JQ being the Reddit server means it’ll likely be a no-go for a large swath of the qt3 folks who can’t get in right at midnight on Friday.
I thought JQ was just a Reddit alternate server? Either way, it’s the “DAOC crowd” server which means if you’re in it for the WvW you’ll be queuing a lot.
Pretty sure the problem will be getting into the server in the first place. JQ is going to be a nightmare for at least a few weeks. I’ll probably just go to Stormbluff Isle with the GAF guild most likely. I’m moving into my new house this weekend and there’s no way I can log into at midnight to save my spot on Jade Quarry.
I’m certainly open to choosing a different server, but I’d like some more input from folks on what would be the best choice, partly because I really want to be able to play with you guys. If Broken Forums are on Jade Quarry, the Wanderers are on Ehmry Bay, and GAF is on Stormbluff Isle, which of those three servers looks the most attractive?
That’s called guesting and it will be in the game… eventually. Not at launch. Though at launch they’ve said there will be free server transfers for a while to alleviate any crowding issues.
GAF == Gaming Age Forum, www.neogaf.com - they will likely have a large guild (couple of hundred).
I’m torn between a couple of servers, but I’m going to try to use the free server transfers to bop back and forth between them. Regardless as to which server you’re on, you can be in multiple guilds, so you could join the BFF guild, Qt3, Wanderers, and GAF if you so chose (and if they’d let you in!).