Official: Valve Delays Half Life 2

I’m Gabe Newell, and so’s my wife!

Which makes sense considering the mans girth.

Oh, and it’s the 30th here and I’m still waitng…

how dissapointed are you about not getting it? and would a benchmark hold you off until it is actually done/released

(I could’ve posted a new thread on this but I’ve been to a few forums lately with so many HL2 threads… it’s just so blaeegh!)

You know, all they had to do is look up the IP before they ever bothered posting the thing… it’s not hard to do, and to not wonder if it wasn’t fake would have been counter-intuitive at this point in time. Sheesh, all that over nothing…

— Alan

I have a vague recollection of another back-and-forth “it’s delayed”/“no its not” exchange a month ago, too. This is just weird. I’ve never heard of a game encountering a disinformation campaign regarding its release date before.

You know, Blizzard tries not to make any promises on release dates…it’ll be done when it’s done is their motto. However, websites, mags, and other media sources (including sales outlets) want a release date. So they beg these companies to give them SOMETHING, even if it isn’t accurate. They just want a best guess. Often, they will even make it up based on code they have seen or other factors (I should say, less reputable sources do this, and others may then pick up the date for themselves). Then, when a company doesn’t make that date, we all get upset. It’s a no win deal for the publishers and even worse for the developers.

Jakub, what is it that makes this particular release date failure so bad in your view? I’m not trying to be confrontational…I just don’t know the details. Were the Valve people adamant about this date or something?

Gabe Newell seemed to be pretty adamant that 9/30 was the release date. My understanding about that announcing that date is that if they weren’t 100% sure it could be done by today, he wouldn’t have said that. He probably didn’t factor in Steam. :shock:


I never said anything about the release date failure being bad news. Well, it is for Vivendi for sure… Heck, I don’t think I’ve posted thus far in this thread.

Anyway, yes, at the E3 presentation and later in email, Gabe Newell was promising the 30th. He was very, very sure of that date. Personally, I think it’s Steaming Pile of Shit that’s delayed matters, because I’m guessing that Valve’s sees considerably more revenue through online purchases than store buys.

Woo-hoo, I thought, when I saw my Steam menu! But when I try to select “Launch Game” on Half-Life 2, I keep getting a web site opening to this page:

Which is, I assume, the purchase page. But I’m getting a 404 error on the page itself, and the main Steam page doesn’t show the game’s availability. Anyone else get it to work yet? I’m about to try reinstalling Steam. Looks like they may have tried to make it after all? Or some scripted event triggered?

Nobody else having problems? Is everyone just playing the damn game?


Denny? HL2 has been delayed until like Christmas or something… you know that, right?

HL2 doesn’t show up in my Games list. DoD version 1.1 was released tonight, though.

So do you guys have to pay anything for Steam?

Then explain this?


Steam forums say that they’re putting up a Half Life 2 benchmark.

Maybe I should become a game journalist, as I used my intrepid web browsing detective skills to find the steam forum and read what people were saying there. I hear there’s lots of money to be made, after all.

Hey, we journalists are too busy sending fake Gabe Newell emails to Shacknews to do any real reporting. The field’s wide open, buddy!

Ah, no better start to a morning than discovering that I’ve inspired SparkyArt.

Battlecruiser Vendetta… Snarf!

Gamespot has an interview with Gabe…

"GN: I hate release dates because no matter how hard we try, we screw them up. We held back talking about our release date going into September 30 because I wanted to have a much clearer idea of what day we were going to ship on.

Right now all we can say is holidays of this year, which to me feels really unfortunate. Our customers really want to know. They say, “Tell us what the date is going to be,” and that’s what they want to hear. They’re fine with what the date is; they just want to know so they can plan accordingly.

Right now it’s for the holidays. I wish we had a clearer date to give people at this time. "

More at the link

Sorry just have to say that first sentence makes no sense and sounds pretty stupid based on whats happened. If he hates releases dates so much then why did they come down with the Sept 30th date in the first place? I mean when the game was first announced it was like Moses coming down with the 10 comandments. “The game will be out on Sept 30th…Yes Sept 30th. You can take that to the bank.” Then they proceed to keep saying it for months. Ahhh whatever…

My guess is they hadn’t realized how much Steam blows until it was crammed down everyone’s throats, and surprisingly enough, not just everyone choked, but Steam did too.

[above sentence is not guaranteed to make sense]