Okay, who WON the VP debates?

Big news issue-wise is Kerry is only up by 6 on the economy (!?!??!), and Bush has expanded his war on terrorism lead to 56 points. Ouch.

Oh, and even including all the other polls, http://www.race2004.net/ has it as a dead-even 269/269 tie today.

I liked Cheney’s performance more, myself. I love how the closest Edwards (or Kerry for that matter) got to actually explaining how they would bring Allies to the coalition was basically saying that success in Iraq would bring them to the table. Funny stuff.

I also thought the part where Cheney answered the 90% casualty rate by saying that it was only 50% when counting Iraqi forces, was brilliant. Then Edwards came back with a sarcastic “in the coalition”, and Cheney tore him up by saying it was typical of their ticket to not count the sacrifice of the Iraqi’s as part of the coalition.

As far as the war on terror is concerned, Cheney had a few other strong points as well, such as Libya disarming, and him talking about how Saddam payed $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers. He tied it in to the war on terror, by saying there are less suicide bombers in Israel now that Saddam is out of business. They (Bush/Cheney) haven’t really sufficiently explained Iraq in their grand scheme of things though, I don’t think. I’d like to hear them speak more about Iraq and Afghanistan being the building blocks to a reformed Middle East.

Edwards did great though, especially on the latter parts of the debate.

Overall, a much better debate than the first Presidential debate. Watching Bush speak sometimes just makes me want to cover my head with a pillow and not watch.

You know the best part about that? The US does not keep track of Iraqi casualties – how’s that for (literally) not counting the sacrifice of the Iraqi’s as part of the coalition? – so Cheney was pulling numbers out of his ass.

Strange. That’s not corresponding with the disheartening picture I get from that site:

Cheney really managed to hide the dirty old man. He was well spoken and showed that he’s obviously very well versed in how the executive branch works.

That being said, Edwwards really showed his flexibility while Cheney highlighted his own rigidity. That’s really what this election comes down to:

Do we stick to the bullheaded and stubborn fundamentalist christians, or do we allow the jelly-kneed and flexible liberals to take over?

The key point of the night, I felt, was when Edwards complimented Cheney on his relationship with his lesbian daughter (HOT CHENEY-ON-BUSH-TWINS LESBO ACTION, JUST $10.95! ORDER NOW!).

Edwards gave this long and rambling dodge as to why he didn’t support gay marriage (Pussy!) and why civil unions would work, and why the amendment was wrong. [Personally, the only possible reason to restrict marriage to striaght people is RELIOUSLY BASED, and thus cannot be used for any form of governmental decision]

Cheney’s response? “Thank you for those kind words.” That was it.

Just goes to show that the whole gay marriage amendment issue is 100% Karl Rove, and even Cheney doesn’t support it.

Edwards really showed that he doesn’t know what’s going on outside the US, but he was on top of those social policy issues, big time.

Wishful thinking, the commentators seem unanimous that it’s Bush’s election to lose and he hasn’t made any monstrous gaffs yet.

Strange. That’s not corresponding with the disheartening picture I get from that site

That’s because Kerry is basically winning the undecided states. He’s ahead or dead even in all of them but NH. As I pointed out in the other thread, Bush needs a few undecideds + Florida; all he’s getting right now is Florida.

Strange. That’s not corresponding with the disheartening picture I get from that site:[/quote]


Better yet, check out the trendlines:

Yeah, I love how we get to count the people whose country we invaded as part of the coalition now. That’s pretty nifty. If we steal their money can we count that against how much the war costs too?

Good times.


Seems race2004 updated:

How the hell is WA undecided?

[old person voice]I just don’t know who to vote for! I can’t tell the difference between the two candidates. It’s like they’re the same people! I just can’t keep up on all this politics mumbo jumbo. Dagnabbit, why can’t they speak plainly?[/old person voice]

Fixed it, got an old image.

I have now changed my mind - Gallup’s great!

I kid, I’m still only relying on Zogby. THe latest polls sure do change the state of the race, though.

Damn, the debate must have really helped Kerry. He’s either ahead or tied in every damn swing state now, excepting…

AZ, CO, TN, Missouri

…where he’s only behind by a point or 2. Geez.

Special kudos to New Mexico, Minnesota, Illinois, and Michigan, who are Kerry states while not being adjacent to any other Kerry states.

New Mexico is especially impressive… its the only Kerry state to be adjacent to only Bush states. “Help! We’re pinned in on all sides! Run for the Border!”

What’s more interesting yet is that there’s only ONE Bush state (Wisconsin) that is not adjacent to at least one Bush state.

Yet another study in pointless statistics.

That’s because the largest employer in the state is the Federal Government and the largest source of taxable income is oil revenue (generally by companies from out of state).

If you do go to Santa Fe, though, be sure to stop at Senor Murphy’s and pick up some chocolate bolitas.