Old World: How does X work? Post your gameplay questions here!

Humankind’s release has actually inspired me to put a bit more time into Old World.

It feels like I’m understanding it more, maybe now that I understand more of the basic systems compared to when I played it in EA and at release.

What’s really challenging my TBS sensibilities though is combat, and specifically that aggression is very much preferred over defence. There seems to be relatively few “bad” trades, it always seems to be best to attack rather than let your opponent walk into your spears? I’m guessing this is to tie into the order system?

Or am I missing something?

Yep, attackers suffer 0 or 1 hp of damage in all attacks.
However, the damage suffered by a defender is determined by relative unit strengths which makes it heavily dependent on terrain. So while you want to be the first to attack, doing so with even numbers when your enemy is well entrenched on defensive terrain is an invitation for them to counter-attack and do far more damage to you than they suffered.

That’s going to take a bit of head realignment…

Is there any way to see expected damage that an enemy will do to a selected unit if it was to attack your unit?

I.e if that spearmen attacks my chariot on it’s current hex, will it survive or not?

If it’s already in range, you can hover over it. Otherwise I’m not aware of one, but there might be a modifier key or something.
Largely though, you’ll be unable to avoid suffering some casualties because the AI will target damaged units. As long as you put your units in defensive terrain where possible (trees mostly, as they provide a bonus against ranged attack) and avoid letting them get surrounded you will minimise losses.

You can select enemy units and them mouse over various tiles they can move to or attack to see what would happen.

Ahh, great. Hadn’t thought to select them first.

Feature Request, hold down a modifier key (ctrl or something) when looking at a combat preview for one of your units to see what the inverse combat preview would be (Gladius does this and it’s very quietly useful for figuring out if the long term trade is worth it).

I’ve put together a small Old World reference spreadsheet to provide an at-a-glance overview of:

  • Nations
  • Families
  • Archetypes
  • Jobs

Trying to use colors to indicate the primary yield / benefit (e.g. purple for wisdom/science, blue for culture, red for courage/training, etc.). The colors aren’t perfect (lots things in Old World give multiple benefits) but are a good starting point.

Open to suggestions / ideas / remixes / additions.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Old World (pka Ten Crowns) from Soren Johnson

I have a question - how does automation of scouts and workers function in terms of orders? Do they just use the leftover orders?

They move at the beginning of your turn, but there is an option where they will only used leftover orders at the end.

This is the most fun I’ve had with a game since Civ4. Amazing work Johnson and Co…


  1. I’m new to Epic Games. I get popups in the upper right corner when I achieve something. First time building Circus Maximus, etc… Is there a place to view my achievements?

  2. Is there a Hall of Fame or other vanity I can use to reminisce about past games?

  3. Any suggestions for how to make rivers more visible? I use the filter (press N), but it’s not always obvious on curve how two hexes relate. They look fine on flat terrain, but not forests or hills.

  4. I’ve only played two campaigns, one on default difficulty and one on “The AI plays on this level,” but is anyone else finding that science production follows this pattern?
    Turn 1 - 50: Your only beakers come from your leader and the courtier you marry. ~30 per turn
    51-70: You start adding beakers 1 at a time in your three family seats. ~40 per turn
    71-110: You double your science every 5 turns and end up 400+ per turn.

A. I sent a kid exploring and an event allowed this 15 year old girl to become a courtier. I used her to tutor another kid, and then used a second courtier to tutor the 15-year-old. I think this is a fun edge case, but it may not be intended.

B. I won a “double” victory at 59/62 VPs against the second place nation at 29/62. The term “double” is initially confusing, meaning to me that I fulfilled two victory conditions at the same time. How about “supremacy,” “Victory point” or somesuch for the sequel expansions into China, Ancient America, Colonial America, or space.

Do you mean like a mod or something? The only ingame option is the filter you mentioned. But, yeah, I wish rivers “popped” more since they’re so important to combat, exploration, and city development. If it’s any consolation, you’ll learn to read rivers better the more you play.

It depends on a number of factors, including the difficulty level you’re playing, the nation you’re playing, the families you’re using, and how you’re developing your cities.

Something that’s not immediately obvious is that one of the main sources of science is kind of under the hood: specialists. Science production is a by-product of cultivating your advanced workers (called “specialists”), and not something you develop separately, which is how it works in almost every other strategy game I’ve played. In other words, science kind of “happens” as you develop your economy, regardless of how you develop your economy.

Which is why science structures like libraries and universities don’t add science production; they multiply it.


How do I tell when a resource has regenerated for another harvest?

The harvest basket icon! One of the filters shows the icons, and they also pop up when you select a scout.


This one has a basket, but was not harvested yet.

What I’ve figured out is that there’s a tooltip which tells you in words, but it’s to the right of the final letters in the resource label. I’d show, but mouse carrots aren’t visible.

This one has a basket, but was just harvested.

I also figured out that pressing F12 instead of Print Screen makes the game load your last quicksave.

Since it’s not on Steam for another year, they’ve got time to work that one out. :)


The issue is that you have the Tile Yields Overlay locked, in which case the Harvested icon isn’t shown. (We can fix that.)

Do Cimmerian Archers require a technology? I cannot build them from my Strong city with a Citadel.

How do land troops cross continents? Do I drop anchor with the 5 ships the bridge would require?

What are the benefits of establishing a State Religion? After reviewing the Tolerance law (-2 discontent per non-state religion), assigning a state religion seems like a non-obvious way to invest 400 civics. Here’s what I know.

  1. -1 discontent in each city with the state religion
  2. With Metaphysics, force your characters to adopt the state religion
  3. Able to discharge Disciples to establish theologies for the state religion. If you switch state religions, do the theologies remain established? Can you spend more Disciples and civics to establish theologies in the new state religion?
  4. Some ~+20 modifiers with characters and foreign relations.
  5. Plugs in to Zealot leaders (rush units, specialists, and projects with Training in cities with the state religion.
  6. Plugs into Monotheism (available on Monasticism tech) which adds +1 order in each city with the state religion. Any other plugins?
  7. +2 culture per turn in each city.

Does state religion interact with Monastery, Temple, and Cathedrals? I build two sets of each in the game where I established two religions.

A single anchored ship creates a water travel zone of iirc 3 hexes diameter over which land units can sail just as they do in the water under control of a city. It’s a very elegant system.

Hmm, should just require the appropriate civilization, a citadel and resources. Can you see Cimmerian Archer greyed out? Can you build an Akkadian Archer there?

Yep, make a bridge of overlapping transit areas using the anchor command (and remember to wait a turn for it to become active).