Online collaboration - hour clocking and project management tools?

Hey all. The little team working on the Second Life game I’m part of needs a way to track hours and tasks so we can accurately divide up the income we derive from the game we make. Are there any good (free) online tools anyone would recommend to help a group working spread across 3 continents?


  1. Bugzilla?

Someone has to host the server, though.

  1. Check out iTeamwork.

  2. JIRA is free if you’re a non-profit or an open-source org.

maybe or

Thanks, those look excellent. The slimtimer in particular looks about right for our fairly simple needs! And it might help our team focus a bit more.

Hmmm some more here

Damn, google calendar would almost work if it would be easier to track time spent on tasks.

Hmm interesting link also: …but costs $16 a month a user (if they host it).

there is a template in access designed to do this. Time and Billing I believe it is called.