Online/Forum Nicks

Nope but I am a bald one!

Dude. If you’re trying to pick a nick on a popular site, everything’s taken. It took me so many attempts to get one that worked that didn’t have a number in it. (On some other site, obviously.) And I wanted something with bear in it because I resemble a polar bear. And now I’ve used it in enough places, I’m just used to having it.

But I’d have never chosen it for qt3 if I’d known there was already a caesarbear here. Sometimes even I confuse us, especially since he’s more contrary than I am. I find that I lend more credence to the opinions of posters with capitalized nicknames too. If I want to change my handle, do I need to bother Tom to do it?

I have been using SlyFrog for about 20 years. Based on a 6th grade cartoon I drew starting Slyvanian T. Frog (who was, not surprisingly, a frog). Since then, whenever I have needed an anonymous name, etc., I have used some variant thereof, the most common being SlyFrog.

For example, in the very rare cases where I would get an arcade game high score back in the 80s, my initials would always be SLY.

That, and offer some sort of sacrifice, and a good reason why. Mostly the
good reason.

But if other bears are so contrary, you’re a contrary bear, so it fits, right?

Not exactly. This Nick is from my original AOL days when I used to hack a lot and write punters for the fun of seeing how bad we could break their system. There’s no comma either but nice try.

Gez, that went better than I thought it would. I surely thought you were going to come up with something far worse but then again you didn’t really get much time on it. You didn’t let me down though, it was creative.


Slainte Mhath (pronounced “slawn-cha vah”) is a Gaelic pub toast that means “Good health to you” loosely translated.

When I first started posting on internet message forums it was almost exclusively to Everquest sites back when that game first came out (1998 for the beta). My Barbarian Shaman in game was named Slainte Mhath (Shaman were healers/buffers for those unfamiliar with EQ). I’ve used that name ever since on most boards simply to provide continuity.

Slainte Mhath is also a band (Canadian I believe) that plays Gaelic-influenced folk and rock music, and Slainte Mhath is the name of a song by the progressive rock band Marillion who were popular in the UK and US in the late '80’s. While I like both bands, especially early Marillion albums, my use of the name was inspired by the translated phrase, not any connection to either band.

I suppose I could come up with something more clever or creative, but Slainte Mhath is rarely in use on any board, and is pretty distinctive, so I never saw the need to deviate.

I’m actually not that contrary. The compound just comes off the tongue nicely. libertarianleaningyetsensiblebear probably breaks the forum software.

I’d rather be “Simon Orbit”, which sounds nicely hammy and futuristic; George Jetson’s mailman or something. The origin was when my girlfriend first heard about the Sarbanes-Oxley accounting rules but could never remember the name, and one time it came out like that.

Well I’ve gone trough a few of them.
First one back when the Internet reached backwards Spain was “Axis”, as the Axis&Allies box was besides my monitor first time I got prompted for a nick.

After that I was briefly “Takeda”. I was studying japanese and flew mainly japanese aircraft in Aces High.

Somewhat later I joined Shadowclan and one of those automatic orc name generators spewed “Lurbuzh” after clicking about one hundred thousand times on it. It got shortened to Lurb by lazy guildmates and I’ve been using that at various places. I’m starting to dislike it after discovering that it is also a popular tardoteenspeak misspelling of “love”.

More and more I tend to use “Catalan” my real 2nd last name (we use both in Spain). But tends to be a source of confusion: I’m from the totally not-catalan part of Spain, which makes for some awkward situations with both pro-catalan and anti-catalan stupid idiot asshole bigots.

And I now have busted my carefully nurtured multiple intardnet personality

It could be worse. You could pick a wicked-sounding moniker from Greyhawk D&D only to find out, much later, that it’s actually much more well known as a cutesy anime character of the wrong gender that likes to dress up in tiger-striped bikinis.

And what’s wrong with that?

“That’s MR. Super Bear Bikini Pants to you, thank you very much.”

Sadly, that’s exactly what I think of first ;)
(Watching all episodes in sequence is NOT good for your mental health)

‘Metta’ was the name of my kobold Shadowblade in Dark Age of Camelot. It is also the name for the buddhist ‘compassion’ meditation and fit like a glove the character I was developing (yay! back when a roleplaying server had, you know, actual roleplaying).

I use it everywhere I need to register because it’s short, easy to spell, and two syllables.

Warning is my last name. It also happens to sound cool, mysterious and ominous at the same time. Pretty much unlike me.

I am “Lev” in some communities, short for “Levendis,” a character in a Harlan Ellison short story that I took to mean something not unlike carpe diem according to Ellison’s definition, but later found out from an actual Greek that it literally means something more like “pimp” but is normally used pejoratively as we’d use the term “douchebag.” Thanks, Harlan!

“Lev,” however, has lots of nice double meanings, not the least of which is the Hebrew letter which can also mean “heart.” Now in most games I use “joelev,” which to me sounded vaguely Russian but is usually interpreted as “joe.” I guess I’m pretty crappy at nicks, all told.

Nice. My GF’s last name is “Stalker.” If we ever have kids, they’re getting her name.

I love Gaelic. Such bizarre pronunciations compared to the way the rest of us use the alphabet.

Dude! You didn’t name yourself after the oni girl? I’m so disappointed. :(

FWIW, when the “other” (anime) Lum gets mad, it’s a sight to behold. So LtM always made sense that way. (Plus the dichotomy is a bit amusing.)

My Hebrew name is Huncher McBigPole.

I used the old conventional “name of first pet” plus “name of street you live on” method to come up with it.

So was your first pet named Man Gravy, or do you live on Man Gravy Street?

I usually go by Capt. Donut. It came from my final video project in college where a Glazed Donut, an English Muffin, and a French Cruller save Europe from Germany in WWII by destroying their super secret V8 Rocket.