From an AP wire story on Sony’s “Shock and Awe” game - patent pending.
Companies and individuals often apply for trademarks on products that never make it to market. Inc., which makes computer strategy games, had applied for the name “Operation Iraqi Freedom.”
A statement on the company’s Web site said it had no immediate plans to publish a game under that name, and might never use it, since the name “is a bit corny.”
Whatever happened to operations having cool names like Operation Desert Storm/Shield or Operation Buttercup? Have the Americans lost their imagination? It’s bad enough when they can’t come up with reasons for a war, but at least do us a favour and name it something I’d wear on a t-shirt.
Operational names have been “corny” propaganda names for a while. Desert Storm was probably the best, but it was more a descendent of Desert Shield (the year-long deployment/protection of Saudi) than anything really original.
I wouldn’t mind seeing the invasion of NK called Operation Extreme Justice. Or maybe Operation Hennessey Liberation (Kim Jong Il’s favorite!).