Operation Occupy Wall Street

You might need to. MARINE CORPS FUCK YEAH uniforms do encourage a particular uniform look. (I had to look the actors up later)


Anyway, or you can go directly to the tribune one that does most of the heavy lifting for you. What were we talking about again?


edit: OH HAI THERE SPOILER LINK. I’ma eat your brains for that one.

What are you talking about? There are no spoilers in that link that aren’t explicitly labeled (and separately linked) as such. The org charts and the glossary are what I was referring to.

If anyone want to be popular here. This type of movements are going to need new software created. A hybrid of “internet forum and congreess” son can implemente a type of direct democracy trought internet. Also, don’t asume such software would be used by computer experts, this type of people probably are typical users and want things very pretty and very easy to understand.

Sorry, you caught me mid GoT NO SPOILERS thread flashback. The horrors, man, the horrors.

I do not understand what is going on in this thread any more.

Personally? I’m holding a joke protest in honor of their joke protest.

NYC Transit Union votes to join the protesters. Huh. Maybe I’ll go visit some friends in NY…

I would like to know what their original message was, I know or at least I think I know what they mean for it to be, but all I see is anti-wallstreet rabble rousing.

I’m not trying to troll, but…what is the problem with that, again?

They are protesting corporate influence in politics, as well as all of the things that are negatively affecting the “other 99%” of Americans: unemployment, record income inequality, skyrocketing healthcare costs, education costs, etc. etc.

I don’t see what the problem is with this. As was mentioned before, most movements don’t start out with one clear goal or statement of purpose. These are legitimate grievances, and since Wall Street has had a hand in creating all of these problems, I think they’re airing them in the right place.

First they’ll take Manhattan, then they’ll take Berlin.

I don’t get why the tea party types aren’t behind this. Don’t they rant and rage about bank bailouts and corporate welfare? (Well I do get it, because I’m not an idiot, but I like to point out their hypocrisy)

I want to rip into everyone in this thread blaming ‘Wall Street’ for all their problems, but I don’t want to get involved in the inevitable P&R ad hominem shitstorm. Damn you cake, why can’t I eat you as well (to horrendously mangle a metaphor)?

Gosh I bet you’d just put everybody in their place, too.

It would be epic (in my head at least). Probably less epic on paper.

Oh feel free, I need some entertainment.

OK you’re not all bad. :)

If you lives long enough, you meet your own evil twin.

We lived long enough to meet the evil twin of cheap money and globalization. I don’t blame Wall Street, because a big part of the problem is inaction from people.