Order of the Stick

Roy’s sword has turned green before, but I can’t remember why… anyone know?

Contact with undead enemies + ???

Previous speculation was that it was activating on crits. Sort of like a burst weapon (which does not exist in 3.5e IIRC), except without the non-crit bonus damage component. We have seen it “flare” at times in the past, though not often. I believe this is Roy’s first extended “and now I will got utterly apeshit” sequence with the sword. That was something.

The sword might also be doing some combination of berserking (though in a smart, calm, sensible way :)), healing or regeneration (did he really have time to heal all scratches using potions? because he looks fine now), dispel magic (got rid of the hel’s might enchantment on contact?), all apart from the special spell-disruption maneuver which he may or may not have used to cancel the slay living. Sort of a +5 holy sword for non-paladins as it were?

Cool, thanks!

See OOTS #297. Roy’s sword is infused with Starmetal which sometimes causes it to emit a deadly green energy particularly harmful to the undead.

Roy also learns a feat from his Grandfather that’s particularly useful against casters. I’m not quite sure which comic he actually learns it in, but you can see him discussing it with his grandfather in #498.

Red Means Stop.

So who do we know that’s (un)dead that can help here? I’m still somehow waiting for Belkar’s just-in-time return, but unless he died from the fall and somehow raised, I’m not sure if this is his moment.

I don’t think anyone else can help. The only reason the clerics are allowing Roy to attack Durkula is that he’s technically Durkula’s own bodyguard. I don’t know, maybe Roy can declare that he’s transferring bodyguard duties to Haley or something.

Failing that, I guess he can throw his sword.

What the hell? We were so close!

Maybe Belkar will come back as a wraith or something. There are other gods of undead, and he is evil. They might resurrect him as something to take revenge, and keep the world in one piece. Remember, he is also a body guard.

That’s right. I somehow thought Belkar had just snuck in, but he was referred to as a bodyguard.

So either undead Belkar or throwing-knife Belkar might show up in the next scene…

Or Roy might just throw his super-green sword.

Roy came back from the dead, correct? Wondering if some weird angle could be used…

That would be a against the rules fwiw. Also arguably cheap as a plot device, but I’m not judging here. I feel like something to re-alter the vote balance is the most likely outcome. But shrugs.

I didn’t even know this pantheon had seven demigods.

A profusion of dwarven vampires? Or is the one taunting Roy but an illusion . . . ?

Wasn’t that one of the priests bitten in the temple?

Gontor Hammerfell

Good catch! So what is he doing on the airship one wonders that could tie break the vote?

I still think Banjo features in this somewhere dangit!

I think all signs are pointing very decidedly at Banjo. Or Banjothulhu. Gontor is supposed to be Hel’s shaved knuckle. Convert Elan and you’ve got the deciding demigod vote on the off chance you don’t get the 4-2 from the other 6 demigods.

Not sure if there is any Banjo in the offing, although that would be cool; Most of the speculation is that he is there for the teleport orb.